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Have you ever watched Jin Roh, the anime movie from 1999? Plenty of us in the dissident right have seen the clips of guys in up-armored Waffen SS uniforms mowing down pinko terrorists in the sewers of Tokyo. And those clips are fantastic.
But if you take the time to actually watch the film, it turns out to be not alt-right propaganda, but a movie about members of a paramilitary organization that has outlived its usefulness murdering members of rival police and governmental departments so they can continue to collect a paycheck. The movie is worth the watch for both the compelling intrigue and gratuitous action shots, but that doesn’t change what’s actually going on.
Any organization that grows to a sufficient size and age starts to behave like a living organism. Individual members who have consciously or unconsciously accepted membership into such an organization begin to act in the interests of perpetuating the survival of the group. The needs of the organization are impressed upon the members as their personal needs, and it is in this way that the members act on the organization’s behalf.
The organization has become a living organism and acts to do what every organism does: continue surviving.
This pattern is observable particularly in government bureaucracies. There’s quite literally no need for the FBI to continue to exist. Even if the FBI were to cease to exist, vanishingly few of the constituent members of the organization would be in any appreciable danger, with most either taking early retirement or finding easy employment elsewhere in the government or government-adjacent industries. Yet, even in cases where an individual member rationally understands this, FBI agents continue to obfuscate records, refuse cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, give and take bribes, traffic drugs and sex, and orchestrate acts of violent terrorism on the American citizens they swore an oath to protect. All in the name of justifying their piece of the federal budget. All in the name of continued survival as an organization.
Transgenderism, and indeed, the entire alphabet soup death cult behaves identically. Transgenderism as an ideology has grown so large and has existed so long that individual members of the cult interpret every slight against the collective ideology as a distinctly personal threat, and each personal inconvenience as an attack on transgender ideology as a whole. And so they react in the way any organism made of constituent parts would: they protect the whole to ensure its survival, therefore ensuring their survival as members thereof.
Everything that lives will eventually die. At a subconscious level, every ideological pervert recognizes that they cannot reproduce by natural means. This is not to say that, for example, a gay man and lesbian woman cannot procreate. It is to say that sexual deviants are not naturally occurring. Without being psychologically abused and manipulated into the cult of disordered sexuality, everyone turns out straight in the end. This is a fact that even gays recognize.
Transsexuals in particular are acutely aware of this fact. Every organism seeks to continue surviving and knows it must feed and breed to do so. New material must be brought in and converted into a usable substance. The organzation must pass on its ideological genes. Knowing that they cannot reproduce their perverse ideology through natural means, transsexuals must parasatise and infest vulnerable people who are otherwise normal. In organizational terms, this is recruiting. They prey upon the weaknesses and disconnectedness shockingly present among children and even adults, indoctrinating them into the death cult with promises of relief from life’s struggles and threats about what happens if they choose to reject their own consumption into the cult organism. The process of parasitization is complete when the victim perceives himself as part of the organism, interpreting organizational threats as personal ones and vice versa.
It should be obvious by now why transsexuals have reacted so seemingly irrationally and violently to the notion that they shouldn’t be allowed around children. To the transsexual cultist, to the member of this organization-cum-organism, someone attempting to prevent a transsexual from accessing children is preventing them from both eating and breeding. These two proclivities lie at the very heart of what it means to be alive, even at the very lowest, single-cellular level of life. To take away access to vulnerable children is to threaten the very survival of transgenderism in particular, and sexual deviancy as a whole.
To prevent transsexuals from molesting children is, in actual fact, trans genocide. And like every other vile parasite that blights God’s creation, the sooner this evil ideology is exterminated, the better.
“To prevent transsexuals from molesting children is, in actual fact, trans-genocide”
What? – That article is satire, right?
What is such a newly-invented term supposed to mean?
That we “have to allow”, “tolerate & accept as normal” the sexual and psychological abuse of our children – so as “not to threaten (?) the very survival (?) of transgenderism and sexual deviancy as a whole” 🤮🤮🤮
That’s revolting! Totally absurd! Healthy morals turned upside down! It is Talmudic Satanism…
TO PREVENT pedo-criminals, transsexuals, homosexuals or whatever perverts from sexually abusing children is, in actual fact, the right thing to do! It means preventing criminal acts from happening, it means saving and protecting children from SERIOUS harm.
How dare these perverts force themselves on others, and to demand to live their deviant life-style at the expense of most vulnerable children! It is criminal behavior they want to have de-criminalized.
I have a feeling you are not a native English speaker, and that’s fine – But it becomes apparent with several of your responses to content on our site that you are missing certain key points of nuance that are obvious to English speakers, especially to those in our movement.
Nothing in this article suggests that we need to tolerate transsexuals and their degeneracy, and the point the author made at the end is a tautology: sexual deviants are only capable of producing more sexual deviants through continued sexual deviancy.
The more society allows sexual deviants to prosper and spread their mental illness, the easier it becomes for sexual deviancy to continue to propagate across that society.
Therefore, if we as a society stand against sexual deviancy, such as transsexuals and transgenderism, they will cease to be able to create more of their ilk by perverting and corrupting the youth of our nations. In other words, working to thwart the transgender agenda is in fact “trans-genocide” – and not a single one of us in our movement cares if our efforts are viewed as such.
Are you a native English speaker? I’m not trying to be mean, but I address you concern in the very last sentence: ” the sooner this evil ideology is exterminated, the better.” I don’t know how you get what you got reading my article.
When I say “To prevent transsexuals from molesting children is, in actual fact, trans genocide,” I’m agreeing with trannies for the “wrong” reason.
“Working to twart the agenda is in fact trans-genocide”
The same as preventing…
That’s what I meant, too.
Thanks dir explaining.
This article is the greater than 130 IQ way of saying “They can’t breed, so they recruit. Simple ‘as.”
Also the anime reference at the start makes it a Certified Myles Poland® article.