Ruckus, Rolo, and Bobby come together to discuss the lamentable fact that, while big companies will spend a bunch of money on games, the people who actually make the games are effectively taking pay cuts to work on them, as opposed to similar jobs in the tech field. Come listen and get educated about how all that goblin money is used to ruin every new game for you, but appeal to the unnatural dysgenic masses they want to replace you with.
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Great show gents! Always a good time hearing you just shit all over these jewish faggot games.
Keep slaying.
(((The Jews))) know what you want to protect; they just want to ruin it for you…
The countries built by white people are THEIR homes! Common sense.
All peoples (races) have their own homelands.
The alien mass immigration into the white countries ONLY… is a genocidal Jewish operation: Invasion, takeover, total subversion, race mixing, replacement: WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
Germany is the home of the German people, the German nation. German soil soaked with German sweat & blood…
She comes from Kenya, calls herself “Susie”, Germany “Mzunguland” and “her home”…
They learn from the Jews and do as the Jews do… They change their names, want to look white by making their black hair blond… and the black female and male invaders want to have babies with fairer skin…
The Jewish Freemasonic genocidal COUDENHOVE-KALERGI PLAN about creating a “Eurasian-Negroid slave race” through miscegenation, ruled over by a “Jewish elite”… is in full motion…
Influencers – recruited and funded by Jewish organizations (NGOs, jootube) are advertising the white European countries and America as dream destinations…
And millions of migrants from all continents keep coming to where the white peoples live… to make the white countries multi-racial (“diverse”).
Eventually all of them populated with a majority of brown and black, racially-mixed people. The South-African & American model…
Hellish for all white people! They are the discriminated against white super slaves who are supposed to keep the system running, paying all the bills… for accomodating enemy invaders expecting everything for free – or else the dissatisfied set the countries on fire! Latest examples for migrant violence: France, Sweden, Germany.
Making them (mostly Muslim) migrant-invaders FEEL AT HOME… is the Whites’ obligation as “libertarians”, “humanitarians” and Christians… and the home invaders’ “universal human right”… says Jewish non-sensical propaganda. Revolting, mind-boggling 🤯🤯🤯