The Little Wars Lads apparently forget how to podcast for a little bit, then talk about what they’ve been up to in the interim between episodes, including a review of Traveller, with a lot of asides in the meantime. Oh and we talk a bit about AI stuff and how it might pertain to the hobby.
And then at 57:39, we give our take on how best to get into traditional gaming hobby! We go through board games, Mongoose gives a primer on getting into wargames, and then Jon dives into how to start doing roleplaying games! Plus a little information on how much info to put into a player-facing setting wiki, and how best to find games with people who share your values.
We were a little bit hyper this episode, so please excuse the energetic autism deluge.
Here’s a couple pictures of the Traveller gun graphics we were discussing in the show, in case you’d like to laugh along with us at the genius designs: https://littlewarshome.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/autorifle.png and https://littlewarshome.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/sniper-rifle.png
If you’d like to join a like-minded community of traditional gamers, we have a process for doing so. Send one of us an email or a message on the fediverse to receive an invite link to a server where you can be vetted. We don’t check out emails very often, so poke us on the fediverse to get a quicker response.
You do need access to a microphone for this. Sorry for the run-around, but that’s how things go these days.
Contact Info
- Email: jack.karonet@protonmail.com
- Fediverse: @jackkaronet@poa.st
- Email: mongoose.kikimora@protonmail.com
- Fediverse: @mkultra@wolfgirl.bar
- Email: insomnolant@protonmail.com
- Fediverse: @Insomnolant@wolfgirl.bar
“Whatever doesn’t kill you gives you stat gains” was a great joke too. Jack lines matter.
What’s good for the (Mon)goose is good for the gamer
I would disagree on categorically avoiding D&D.
Yes, Wizards of the Coast is gay and retarded, and so is probably much of their fan base, but there are still players (especially longtime 3.5 guys) who appreciate the game for its role playing and mechanics.
I think you would do yourself a disservice by categorically writing off pathfinder and D&D3.5 (even 5.0 isn’t bad once you get used to it)
Poz is not sufficient reason to dismiss a role-playing game, because the contents of the game at the table are entirely dependent upon the players. As long as you’re not playing with gays, no amount of gay worldbuilding can enter your game without your consent.
The reason to dismiss a role-playing game is entirely based on its mechanics. And neither popularity, cultural momentum, or historical baggage are replacements for quality. D&D and Pathfinder are bad games. Their mechanics suck, even at an objective level since they do a bad job of encouraging the kind of interaction with the rules that their designers pretend the games were meant to facilitate.
You can certainly have fun playing D&D, and I have. I had a blast with Jack’s 5e game, and if he started it back up? I’d join back in in a heartbeat. But that’s because Jack is my friend and nearly anything done with friends can be fun.
But the true disservice is to cling to a bad convention simply because many others are doing it, rather than try to invite them to do something better.
“to invite them (American war gamer morons) to do something better (with their time)”
Hiroshima – 78 years ago…
And what the fuck are you doing with your time? Besides being an annoying bitch toward people who politically agree with you, of course.
And where are your PROTESTS FOR PEACE in America taking place?
Always making Europe and the Middle East
the battlefields for US-Jewish madness?
Nothing but foul language? Are you as dumb as you sound?
Yes, I have nothing but “fuck off” for you. Go shadow the doorstep of someone pathetic enough to listen to your nagging. You aren’t wanted here.
Might be a really dumb question
But is there a war gaming that can be played solo
I don’t know too much about wargames, but a buddy of mine has been playing and talking about “Five Parsecs From Home” which is apparently a wargame that can be played solo. I don’t know for sure, but it might be close to what you’re looking for.