Episode Link | Telegram Backup
Went on a semi-famous show, he helped shill it, then promptly didn’t release an episode for four months. mArKeTiNg.
More audio was removed than published for this episode, because it needed released, and the other stuff was a lot of tangential stuff distracting from the main point. Maybe one day it will be released as an appendix.
This is the episode featuring a critique of National Socialism from a more spiritually-enriched perspective. Like “Fascism viewed from the Right” or “Notes on the Third Reich”, but with fewer monocles and Italians.
Featuring William of occasionally Prussian Socialism, Tristian Powers of formerly many things including Bogcast and the Norrena Society, Sam of Full Haus and the White Power Hour.
Check out Black birds music on Telegram:
How about not using the Jew-invented smearword “Nazi”? (The only “Nazis” are the Ashke*Nazis*, the National Zionists, “Nazis” for short) These German patriots specifically fighting the mortal threat of Communism called themselves National Socialists. And most important to understand: German National *Socialism* is the polar opposite to the Jewish ideology of Communism… Period.
The choice was between Communism (equals Judaism – Babylonian Talmudism – Satanism) OR the Christian belief. And the National Socialists decided that Germany and the German people (most of them were Christians) wanted to stay Christian, and had to fight off and totally remove from positions of power and influence the Jewish Communist subversives destroying the German society.
The National Socialists “paid only lip service” to Christianity?
What is that supposed to mean?
They called their brand of Christianity *positive Christianity* meaning *filled with meaning*… Not empty talk, words, promises… And Hitler & his government undoubtedly delivered on his promises… and dragged the Germans out of the abject poverty and dirt they were thrown into by a forced upon WWI and Zionist Diktat of Versailles (1919).
The National Socialists did not everything right – they were humans after all – There is always something which could have been done differently and better – for sure! It is important to learn from errors.
And equally it is important to learn from their accomplishments and successses…
How they liberated the German people from Jewish debt slavery – unfortunately, (due to the envy, greed and hatred of the enemies) only for a short period of 12 years, when WWII was forced upon them by international Jewry & their ALL LIES – to eradicate the good example, to denigrate the Germans as “evil Nazis”, and prevent the good example from being emulated by the world… The Jews’ greatest fear.
Michael Walsh (a good take-on)
The aside first, “Positive Christianity” is basically just the Jefferson Bible but more racist. It’s not Christianity, at all.
But that aside, I’m not really sure what the point of your post is. Yes, the purpose of the episode was to give a more nuanced critical look at national socialism from a more traditionalist / spiritually enriched POV. But nothing in this episode can be construed as somehow a dismissal, shitting-on, etc, of national socialism. It certainly isn’t advocating for any of the other available alternatives, such as western capitalism or (((bolshevism))).
Though, your immediate, knee-jerk reaction to even the slightest critique of national socialism is precisely why an episode like this was necessary. I’m sure it could have been done better, but a more relaxed and less reactionary look at national socialism is necessary if we want to truly rediscover an enchanted, spiritual, traditional, and timeless worldview that reconnects with the heavens and the ancients.
Well – I’d like to give you some kind of “feedback” to your thoughts. Not easy at all.
Honestly – I am at a loss at the kind of aggressive / dismissive reactions one gets on this blog.
I don’t know any Americans / Amerikaner personally – and I don’t want to generalize – but the impression one gets is: you seem to be quite a “strange” kind of people – living isolated on your North American continent like on a secluded “island” – self-absorbed, and showing a demeanor which is quite arrogant and too overly self-confident – There is an ignorance about you – about the outside world… which is extremely unfortunate. The US-JEWISH meddling everywhere … over centuries… has been extremely destructive. Certainly, not at all a shining example of Christianity. America is spiritually rich & enriching? Who would have thought.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
(quotes) “”Positive Christianity” is basically just the Jefferson Bible but more racist. It’s not Christianity at all” – WOW – That’s quite a statement. Totally “devastating”.
Well, well – I don’t know your “Jefferson Bible”… and I cannot understand what the mentioning of that specific Bible translation (?) is supposed to imply.
And I’d prefer not to use the Jew-invented buzz words such as “racist” in the intended derogatory way: “Positive Christianity” is “more racist” than…
I am sorry – I cannot follow your line of thought. I cannot understand the reasoning.
To deliver on one’s promises is certainly preferable to empty talk – talk – talk… empty words… empty promises (of Communism / Bolshevism for instance). Keeping one’s promises. That’s being Christian in a positive sense, in a nutshell. Not too complicated. –
The point of my comment is to make certain things clear.
Things which usually do not seem to be clearly understood by Americans. They too often do not seem to have a clear understanding of what National Socialism was about. And equally unclear seems their understanding of Communism – Bolshevism – Judaism – Talmudism – Satanism…
The tradition of “Halloween” for instance is a tradition of the English speaking world not a tradition of continental Europe – It is “Satanism light”, the grooming of children into Satanism – not something Christians should do. The “Christians” of the “New World” have not been a shining example for something better… No – They did not create something better – but they destroyed the “Old World”, they destroyed the ancient Christian Europe by two world wars – forced upon the German people – to destroy them totally. And they keep destroying them. Permanently militarily & culturally occupying “Americanizing” them. The American nightmare. JEWISH INSANITY.
“… a more relaxed and less reactionary look at National Socialism is necessary…”
Agreed. But who do you mean is “reactionary”?
I find it appalling how harshly everything German gets critisized by the English speaking world – without being able to bring about the same positive results. The accomplishments of the National Socialists were a surprise to the world. A recipe to follow. Much preferable to the “Great Reset” the eternal enemies of humanity (i.e. Talmudic JEWS – Satanists) have in mind.