Gordon is joined by Ben of the Ohio Active Club to talk about his time helping those affected by Hurricane Helene, and then to go into detail on the situation on the ground in Ohio – Springfield and its Haitian invasion, and a call to action asking those living in Ohio to get involved in meaningful activism, mask on and off.
- Ohio Active Club: https://t.me/TheOACcensored
- Ohio Action: https://t.me/Ohio_Action
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I’m a woman in Ohio, how can I help?
Take a social leadership role by making is OK for women to be openly racist.
From the sounds of it, both the Ohio Active Club and Ohio Action currently do not have women’s auxiliaries or allow female membership. You could try emailing OACVETTING@PROTON.ME which is the Ohio Active Club email and maybe they’d have a better idea of what you might do.
Cool episode but can you take this show seriously again? Get Magnus on here and cover the recent events. I like your chemistry and the show has taken a real dive lately with inconsistency and very short episodes.
That’d be up to Magnus. I record the show when I can get guests lined up, and discuss what they want to talk about. Unfortunately, me and my cohosts have all gotten different jobs with different schedules over the last year, makes things more difficult.