For this week’s episode Super plays nice with Fr. Jacob, a Roman Catholic priest, to get his perspective on the current turbulent state of Catholicism and the kind of perspectives Catholics should have in the current age.
NOTE: Some audio quality was messed up in the first hour. Our apologies, Jacob was having some technical issues but had a tight schedule. We couldn’t re-record the segment so screw it WE’RE DOING IT LIVE, 2018 STYLE.
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That was a good episode and I have a constructive question for both of you ordained, licensed clergymen:
Please define the appeal of Jesus Christ.
I am asking for a pitch, like you would explain it to the polite stranger on a plane seat next to you.
Can you tell me what is the attraction to Jesus Christ, what is the wisdom and worth of being the follower.
No, I am not rude, mad or trolling. It is not a trick question. You said yourself, Super Lutheran, in the episode 250216_DontLickThePhrog.mp3, time stamp 00:59:00.
“This is incredibly, incredibly important. If somebody cannot describe their ideology by writing it down on a three by five card, it is not worth listening to”.
You have made the moral lessons of Jesus Christ the pillar of your life, and your career.
May I please read that 3×5″ index card, thank you.