Gordon and Magnus read through a recent article from The Asylum entitled “A National Divorce From Reality,” itself a response to an Asylum piece by Michael Anton, former Trump staffer, that was a dialogue between a liberal and a conservative about a “national divorce.” The article goes through all of the problems with this strategy, while Gordon and Magnus go through their problems with the article itself.
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“Ron DeShabbos”! Lol, going to use that!
The only thing we need to separate our country from is the jews.
I agree with the context here, however I would argue that the “right wingers” referenced here would be gone or voted out in a scenario like this. Think about what happens once the propaganda goes away. I don’t disagree but like a wise man says just because they are selling it doesn’t mean anyone really wants to buy it. There would be no “marketplace” for these gay ideas.
I wanna get vetted if anyone can help me.
Email dakotafash@protonmail.com or dm me on Telegram @GordonKahl