Gordon is joined by friend of the pod, James, to discuss local politics, and how in particular one might try to leverage the current rising tide of populism to accomplish goals and obtain some level of prestige in your community – and, barring that, how you might use “political” skills to simply be a more enjoyable person to be around. The episode ends with Gordon and James discussing their interactions with their local city government, as well as a special clip of their statements made at a City Council meeting.
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Achtung! Amerikaner is proudly hosted on Amerikaner.org and ExodusAmericanus.com
Wtf another AA this soon You’re spoiling me
Should have two more recorded before the end of the weekend, brother.
Appreciate it. Really hope more guests come on. Loved Bird Man and Roper. Even the guys who bangs yentas I thought made for good pod; you’re a good host
I disagree that social media posting isn’t activism. Don’t get me wrong, IRL activism is orders of magnitude more important, but internet activism has a place and a purpose. I mean, just look at how far the Overton window has shifted on X in the past two years. You can say things on a mainstream platform now that wouldn’t have been allowed outside of Stormfront and the like 10 years ago. There are hundreds of thousands of people to whom our viewpoints are being normalized because of this. In person activism is better, but when you’re not doing it, or if you’re not capable of doing it, internet activism is more than just screaming into the void.
That’s definitely fair. It’s undeniable that without tons of guys throwing themselves into the gears of social media platform moderation, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
I guess where I come from in this piece is more from my personal experience. Far too often I was drawn into internet drama and debates with trolls that were never going to vote for me anyway. Even if I made them look like fools, it only made me look like a bully, which turned off moderate voters.
For guys not running for office, sure, if they want to run interference with the online trolls and do that sort of stuff pointing out foolish positions and countering them until the opposition runs away crying, that could be useful to assist getting someone into office since it’s not the candidate directly interacting with the trolls. Plus the more defenders a candidate has, the more popular they look and that triggers the appeal to popularity that brings on more supporters.
But ultimately, I still think a candidate running for office shouldn’t do more with social media other than posting something relatively innocuous and superficial (no wall texts), posting notices for upcoming events like meet and greets, or posting pics or video from events that show the candidate in a positive light with a light hearted write up.
If people really want to know what a candidate stands for or what issues he’ll work on, they can check out his website or check out a media interview or something like that. Leave those heavier things out of social media other than to direct potential voters to your webpage.
Again, these are just things I would have done differently in retrospect.