For many millennia have warred thine folk / For captaincy of Earth they shed much blood / Before pioneers did red men go like smoke / Why do you reverse roles for vice’s flood?
Author: Amerikaner
Sic Semper Tyrannis
A very special poem in honor of Independence Day.
Steadfast Man
A poem about resisting the tide of modernity.
White Dissident Radio!
Today we dive deep into Path of Resistance, whose new album has been anything but a disappointment. This is WDR’s first show in over a year, so plan on catching up with the last year of releases while we dissect a few memes, bust out an old Skrewdriver classic and bring you an outstanding playlist!
Turn it on, turn it up and rip the knob off!
Are Mass Arrests Looming For Charlottesville Torch Marchers?
There is understandable concern growing in dissident circles and among Charlottesville veterans in particular that anyone who attended the Unite the Right torchlit rally on August 11, 2017 might face imminent arrest and extradition to Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail in Virginia. Are mass roundups of anyone who had the courage to light up that night looming, or is this another case of leftist fearmongering to stoke our anxiety and discourage future activism?
Trans Genocide
Everything that lives will eventually die. At a subconscious level, every ideological pervert recognizes that they cannot reproduce by natural means. This is not to say that, for example, a gay man and lesbian woman cannot procreate. It is to say that sexual deviants are not naturally occurring. Without being psychologically abused and manipulated into the cult of disordered sexuality, everyone turns out straight in the end. This is a fact that even gays recognize.
“Voldemort Lives!”
As has become April 1st tradition, Grant Norman chooses to curse my website with a piece of Harry Potter fanfiction. This time, a Neo-Death-Eater Extremist is going to trial.
An Official Declaration Of War From The Otterwaffen™️ Division
Your Daily Decade 105 – The Crucifixion
Just as we journey to the Cross, we journey through the Cross, from the sinner who crucifies Christ to the penitent to begs mercy from his own cross, to the disciple who adores Him and His sacrifice.
Your Daily Decade 104 – The Coronation of Mary
Just as our truest model of masculinity is Christ, who rules justly and exercises authority with perfect love, the truest model of femininity is His mother, whom He has appointed to nurture and guide us towards our Heavenly Father.