A life without suffering is a life without meaning and purpose, and the worst thing a man can do is deny himself meaningful struggle by fleeing from it.
Author: Amerikaner
Your Daily Decade 85 – The Presentation
We worship God in spirit and in truth when our worship, be it liturgical or mundane, is done out of love rather than merely obedience.
Your Daily Decade 84 – The Crown of Thorns
We can plead ignorance of God in excusing our faults, but cannot forget it was at the hands of the ignorant that He was tortured.
Your Daily Decade 83 – Pentecost
God will never send us into battle without the weapons to win the war being waged against us. We only need to pick them up.
Your Daily Decade 82 – The Nativity
We follow Christ our leader out of the slavery of Sin, like the Hebrews out of Egypt, but do we have the fortitude to do what the Hebrews could not, and never look back?
Your Daily Decade 81 – The Scourging
Live in the moment, but not for the moment: struggle and strive, neither presume nor despair. Give your whole self to this fight, and you will share the final victory.
Your Daily Decade 80 – The Ascension
Peace is a state of soul, not the aftermath of contention but the means wherby cantankerous sin is quieted, the prerequisite of all worldly peace.
Your Daily Decade 79 – The Visitation
To Abraham and Sarah, God promised a people, whom their son would anoint; to Zacharias and Elizabeth He promised a Saviour, whom their son would baptize.
Your Daily Decade 78 – The Agony
Arm yourself for battle, train for competition, pray, be wakeful, and humble yourself before God to take up your daily Cross.
Your Daily Decade 77 – The Resurrection
God summons us to share in the spoils of His conquest of death and the devil – why would we refuse to answer?