Otto and Pavl discuss the highlights from the East, with Pavl still being our boots on the ground in Eastern Europe. Power rebalances as Lukashenko says he’ll step down (eventually…. soon? Time will tell) and Putin gets complete immunity and a senate spot for life. Ukraine is tearing at the seams and Visegrad battles against Western Europe’s leftist side of the Kosher sandwich. West Europe show coming soon!
Author: Amerikaner
Europa Review – French Happenings and Slav Lives Matter
Due to the amount of content, the show this time is split up into two parts – the east and west. In the West, we have the French happenings and other COVID business. In the East, we have our man Pavl on the ground in Eastern Europe to provide a 1st hand account of what’s going on over there. From Belarussian protests to Ukrainian Nationalist Marches. Give both pieces a listen.
Europa Review – End of September/Early October
Otto and Pavl are joined by Thomas in the north to discuss the ongoing culture war in the European Union. Pavl interviews his Spanish friend, Juan, and Orcas join the fight for Europe on the side of Europeans. In the second half of the show, Otto and Pavl discuss some white pills in the east and the conspiracy of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.
Europa Review Beginning of September 2020
New Name, Same great content. Travel over Europe in the not gay train and witness the effects of the coronavirus. We even get to see some Imperial German flags. Also keep up with what’s happening in the east with the protests of Lukashenko and the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.
Europa Review Mid August 2020
Otto and Pavl are back to talk about some hot pressing European Issues. Further investigation into hotels being booked in the UK, Macron being a better president to Africa, and even some unintended white pills from Sweden. Lukashenko is also under some heavy fire internationally and from his own citizens. While Russia develops its vaccine for the pandemic.
Europa Review Beginning of August 2020
Otto and Pavl are back to discuss Europe and imagine the smells of each train station. The EU struggles with having EU law battle against national law with some gibs with political strings attached. Britian descends into South African tier private police style security and Germany loses thousands of American soldier/tourists. In the second half in the East, Lukashenko fears outside influence into his next election. Tensions rise as NATO and Russia have military exercises next to each other.
Europa Review Mid July 2020
Otto and Pavl have a little bit of a shorter show but nonetheless talk about some of the big European issues. In the second half, hear from Paul Moczar of the Slavosphere Podcast.
Europa Review Beginning of July 2020
The banhammer drops on dissident voices, BLM wakes up whites, and the Russian Constitution goes through big changes.
Europa Review Mid June 2020
Otto and Pavl return to talk about how a Minneapolis Black man has toppled all of European Civilization with this one neat trick.
Europa Review- Beginning of June 2020
Otto and Pavl take their train around Europe once again to give updates on how things are going now that things are starting to open up.