In this very special episode of Achtung! International, Magnus interviews Seba, a Polish Nationalist, about the situation in Central and Eastern Europe, and especially Poland. From the Ukraine war to the seeming US pivot to Israel, this episode features foreign policy analysis you won’t find anywhere else.
Author: Gordon Kahl
The War Against Whites
If not for our European forefathers, the United States would not have existed as an empire of unparalleled generosity and humanity. Knowing this, it’s difficult to understand why a vicious campaign to demonize white men has permeated American society so thoroughly.
Achtung! After Dark – The Magnus Minute (Explicit)
Magnus has finally caved to all of the demands of the listeners and created The Magnus Minute. This first episode features Magnus talking to Rick (of “The Smoke Pit”) about everything from 1980s advertisements, Rainier Beer, and “Yid War IV”
Check it out, it’s a great time!
White Nationalist Leadership Academy
In this bonus episode of Achtung! Amerikaner, Gordon interviews Forrest Davis (also known as Alex, of “The Smoke Pit”, and also known as James) about his project, the White Nationalist Leadership Academy, which is dedicated to bringing out the best in our people and train future leaders in our cause through physical, mental, and academic self-improvement.
The Academy’s courses will be starting in the next two weeks, so be sure to reach out to Forrest soon!
American Carnage
Gordon and Grug talk about the surge in crime gripping the US over the last few years. Rather than fixate on the lurid details of individual crimes, the two talk more about what this surge, and the response from the government at the state, local, and federal level, which is entirely racial and political, means for the average Amerikaner.
Special Report – The October War
Gordon and Magnus do another show from the road, but this time it’s a special report on the recent happenings in jewish-occupied Palestine. Please note, this was recorded on the afternoon of Sunday, October 8th, and is on a situation that is still developing – expect some information to be outdated or based on conjecture. The conversation eventually shifts to discussion of the lean times Magnus sees coming for America, especially over future oil prices.
Gordon And Magnus In The Car (Explicit)
Gordon and Magnus turn a simple trip to Whataburger into a 2 Hour Long podcast covering the recent dismissal of Kevin McCarthy as housespeaker, the state of the current Neo-Liberal World Order, n-riche-middle-class enclaves, hyper racist neo-confederate asian store owners, whether or not Magnus should buy a boat, and cutting edge weight loss techniques.
Midwest News Roundup September 2023
Gordon and Grug (and sometimes Magnus) discuss a variety of news stories from every state in the Midwest. From no-knock raids on 98 year old newspaper editors to cats loaded up on cocaine, we have every story that you could possibly want to hear, and a few that you probably don’t.
Minority Rule
Recently, I visited Couer d’Alene, Idaho with my friend Alex (of “The Smoke Pit”). Alex is not his real name, of course (it’s James, for the record), but that was the name he used while a part of Patriot Front, and the name he was using when he was unlawfully and unjustly arrested in that town one year ago, for the “crime” of attempting to peacefully protest a lewd drag show being performed in front of a crowd of children.
The Underground Cotillion (Featuring Rose Pinochet)
Gordon interviews (often banned) twitter personality and business consultant, Rose Pinochet, about her project known as the “Underground Cotillion.” Utilizing her years spent helping find successful matches in the business world, Rose and her friend Rachel hope to translate that success into providing a matchmaking and event hosting service for the Right Wing dissident sphere.