Why do atheists insist on trying to supplant Christianity in right-wing politics? And why do they insist on doing it in the absolute dumbest way possible? In this episode of the Godcast, SuperLutheran and Myles take a look at yet another way a braindead atheist is trying to “reconcile both sides” and “stop infighting.” We…
Author: Godcast
The Godcast, Episode 260: The Christian Music Industry (Includes Complimentary Commentary Track!)
Watch the episode with commentary here (Sorry, embeds don’t work): https://odysee.com/@Amerikaner:f/Godcast-South-Park-Commentary:0 And here’s the audio version: In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles comment on the longstanding state of the Christian music industry by commentating on the infamous South Park episode “Christian Rock Hard,” and we talk about the need for right wingers to support creatives…
Popcorn N’ Soda: The Chosen, Season 2
In this episode, SuperLutheran is again joined by listener Heavy to discuss The Chosen, Season 2. But before they jump into that, head out to the concession stand and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! The Chosen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chosen_(TV_series) Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_The_Chosen_S2_WIP_3.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss For the time being, we’re not accepting paid requests, but we…
The Godcast, Episode 259: Zach’s Testimony
The Godcast is starting a new bi-weekly segment where we share the testimony of our listeners. If you’d like to have your testimony shared, you can reach out to SuperLutheran at Very_Lutheran@tutanota.com Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY The first of what I hope to be many entries…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Don’t be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
Ay, yo, Supes and Mizzyles finna review Don’t be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. Befo we hit dat, getchoself sum flamin’ hot cheetoes and a forty! DBAMTSCWDYJITH: https://infogalactic.com/info/Don%27t_Be_a_Menace_to_South_Central_While_Drinking_Your_Juice_in_the_Hood Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_Dont_Be_a_Menace.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss For the time being, we’re not accepting paid requests, but we do still rely…
From the Archive: The Godcast, Episode 107
Because my schedule no longer allows for weekly recording, we’re starting to bring our old episodes out of the archives and republish them for our Amerikaner and Exodus Americanus audiences. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY The first of what I hope to be many entries in…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles descend the Abyss to level 5 to review Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul. But before we jump into that, head out to the concession stand, and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Dawn of the Deep Soul: https://madeinabyss.fandom.com/wiki/Made_in_Abyss_Movie_3:_Dawn_of_the_Deep_Soul Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_Dawn_of_the_Deep_Soul.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss For the…
The Godcast, Episode 258: The Mahlerites
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles are joined by a pair of esteemed guests: Mongoose Kikimora of Little Wars, and Cory Mahler of Stone Choir. We discuss the implications of Soviet military doctrine, the dismal state of the LCMS and the prominent figures therein, and the subtleties of brewing beer. Are Jews the chosen people…
Popcorn N’ Soda: The Chosen, Season 1
For this episode, SuperLutheran is joined by listener Heavy to discuss season one of The Chosen, a historical drama about the earthly ministry of Jesus. But before we descend into those depths, head out to the concession stand and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! The Chosen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chosen_(TV_series) Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_The_Chosen_S1.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss…
The Godcast, Episode 257: How to Ignore Jesus by Reading Only Jesus’s Words
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles take on the subversive and subtle heresy of Jesuism, or reducing Christianity to solely the red-letter words of Jesus of Nazareth. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY The first of what I hope to be many entries in a science fiction…