As promised on January 7th, 2024, SuperLutheran has underwent an emotional breakdown and recorded another episode of Popcorn N’ Soda on the timeless Christmas classic (he forced us to write that) Christmas Coupon. Having made his family watch it five times now, now it’s your turn to listen to more details and conspiratorial psychopathy on Super’s…
Author: Godcast
The Godcast, Episode 310: Conflagration at the Declaration Inflation Station
In this week’s Godcast, SuperLutheran reviews the chaotic flood of affirmations and denials that have been puked out onto the internet by various church authorities who don’t like /ourguys/ very much. We AFFIRM that this declarationflation is BAD. We DENY that it is GOOD. Direct download: Antioch Declaration: Statement on Natural Affection: …
“Popcorn N’ Soda: Rudolph the Fed Nosed Reindeer (Featuring Santa)”
Join Super for silly-voice overload as he goes to the North Pole and chats with the cast of the 1964 classic Christmas special, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. At 19 minutes in, we have a VERY special interview with Santa Claus as he nostalgia posts about his experiences. This episode is not for the faint…
The Godcast, Episode 309.5: A Controversial Bible Take
This year’s Christmas Sunday episode is going to be a big one about the declaration war, so in the interim here’s a recording where I catch up with emails and finish up with a lecture on my most controversial Bible take. Direct Download: If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran…
The Godcast, Episode 309: Exercise and Faith (Part One)
In today’s episode, SuperLutheran discusses the history of exercise across the world and how it applies to the Christian faith. In the second half, we go into very broad guidelines for getting started for people who want to do it their own way. In part two we’ll get a lot more specific with a very…
The Godcast, Episode 308: The Mouse Utopia Conspiracy
So we’ve all heard of the “behavioral sink,” right? Well what if everything you heard about it was cooked up by people that hate you? Join Super as he goes on an anti-government rant about how Calhoun’s experiments were not a good-faith endeavor. Direct Download: All about Calhoun and Universe 25: CIA hijinks:…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Bad Lieutenant, Port of Call New Orleans (Featuring Mr. Werner)
Join Super (and later, guest Mr. Herzog) for a chat about the flick where a cop who does drugs, hangs out with hookers and has a crimey ol’ time. Hey, wait a minute… I’m starting to get the feeling like this cop is a…bad lieutenant! Direct Download: Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans:…
The Godcast, Episode 307: VTubers (Part 1)
Whenever a social phenomenon shows up and gains popularity, the Church typically does one of three things: ignores it, auto-condemns it, or starts learning about it. Since VTubers are on the scene and getting more popular, Myles and Super decided it’s time to do that third thing and have a chat about them. What are…
The Godcast, Episode 306: Orthodox Francis Fukuyama
Hey, remember when Francis Fukuyama tried to make the case for globohomo when no one else was? Well let’s hear Paul Kingsnorth, a Romanian Orthodox convert, try to make a case against Christian Nationalism. Spoiler; he fails spectacularly. Direct Download: Original lecture: If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran…
The Godcast, Episode 305: Not Agreement Capable
Today, SuperLutheran is joined by Crux Invictus to discuss the “State of the Reformation,” or how Protestantism is doing worldwide. Hold on to your jimmies for this one and stick around to the end, it’s way more encouraging than you’d think. Direct Download: Anglicanism beset by Diwali greetings and open support for fornication:…