When Amerikaner last covered the Jupiter Paulsen murder trial, we were on our way to another deposition hearing that took place Thursday the 21st of April, 2022. Since then, new developments have taken place including the family of Jupiter Paulsen indicating they will be pressing hate crime charges against their daughters murderer as well as others, a trial date has been set, and the media and judicial system has shown themselves to be utterly dishonest in their reporting and handling of the case.
Category: Articles
All articles submitted by Amerikaner Network contributors can be found in this category.
How To Bypass Telegram Censorship
After the Waukesha protest, t.me/amerikaner (along with a great many other channels) was censored on Telegram. The way this is accomplished is that the channel cannot be displayed on any device using the official Google Play or Apple Store app. Rather than attempt to make a bunch of new pages to avoid this censorship, I have endeavored to make a guide available on the site for how to bypass these problems altogether.
Turning Point Amerikaner
This past week I attended a Turning Point USA event titled ‘Unapologetically American’ at the NDSU campus in Fargo, North Dakota. The event was open to the public and to be attended by Scott Hennen and the 3 TPUSA speakers:
Former Miss MO 2015 Aria Adare Parker, who holds a degree in Product Development and International Business. Taylor Winston a former marine vet, owner of ‘2A Daddy’ a pro 2nd Amendment advocacy group, and who is credited with saving almost two dozen people at the Las Vegas shooting. And the final speaker, Anthony Watson, a Black guy.
Industry And The Midwest
The expansion of the United States and indeed the Midwest would not have been possible in the slightest had it not been for an industrious spirit. This is a fair, and obvious enough statement, but one area where it shines is in the Midwest.
Passivity And The Midwestern Conflict
While many people view passivity as a negative trait, and maybe rightly so, the Midwest is one place where passivity is still very real and observable. This is not to say that we don’t stand up for our values, or act when it’s merited. What it means is that we, broadly speaking, are not going out of our way to involve ourselves in conflict or to draw attention to ourselves.
Midwestern Generosity
One of the first things anyone will come up with if you ask them to describe the Midwest is generosity. Generosity is a virtue in many cultures around the world and throughout history. While it may seem like this is a virtue that is quickly being forgotten and even rejected, I can assure you, fellow Amerikaner, it is alive and well in our little slice of this continent spanning nation.
Yesterday’s Losers, Today!
What the White Russians, the Cubans, the South Vietnamese, and others all had in common with today’s Afghani refugees is that they were losers. They fought for the right to shape the character and destiny of their homeland and they failed. Some struggled valiantly and others half-heartedly, but none of that changes the fact that their country and their countrymen ended up under the control of an ideology which they loathed. The Republican Party collected these dinosaurs into its coalition, happy for the bit of ethnic flair which they can trot out to assure their White voters that they aren’t racists for voting against Democrats. But the reason why they are such a perfect fit is because they are essentially defanged.
Lions, Tigers, and Frogs
Perhaps it’s an American attribute, a latent sense of “rugged individualism”, but there is a tendency in our thing to attribute supernatural qualities to our mythical, historic, and even our contemporary heroes, forgetting that they too needed a lot of support – “I’ll never be as great as them.” This is wrong.
The greatest men in history were just bro’s being bro’s. Some may get the limelight for a time but the story is ultimately about all of our people.
The Distinctive Culture Of The Midwest
The Midwest is one of the rare areas of the country that neighbors and distant friends will drop everything to bring you food and necessities after a major life event, or snow-blow their way to your driveway to clear it before clearing their own. The cities and towns hold a subtle charm with traces of German architecture and systems of government and organization, owing to the massive amount of German settlement in the region going all the way back to the mid 1800’s. In many ways even the city planning and layout is distinctly and uniquely its own.
The Hero’s Return
Time and time again, Age after Age, we watch and we wait, hoping for the return of our heroes. Looking out to the horizon, searching for the triumphant silhouette of that savior of our race.