Category: Articles
All articles submitted by Amerikaner Network contributors can be found in this category.
When Is the Right Time?
An article from AnonyMrs encouraging men and women to think of their future now (rather than later) when planning for a family.
My Response To The Press
In the last week, KDLT Dakota News Now, a local ABC and Fox News affiliate, released a story claiming to out me as the host of a “White Supremacist” podcast. The responses I have received directly from average South Dakotans in relation to the article have been universally positive – my only detractors in my home state appear to be mentally ill transsexuals and petty criminals, which is hardly surprising.
Coasters By Pine Baron
Recently, I was given an amazing gift by a friend from a distant land – Pine Baron is a talented man who makes custom-engraved items of all sorts!
You’re Finally Awake
So, you’ve just found out it was all fake. You’ve just found out that the media lied about the 2020 elections and that they’ve been lying to you about what happened on January 6th. You may not know it yet but you’ve just stumbled down a rabbit hole that will change how you see the world forever. So, turn off that TV programming and let’s dive into just how much you’ve been lied to.
What the Right Gets Wrong About “The Last Of Us”
A brief analysis of what the cultural animus around the video game Last of Us means for the direction our society is going – and how the Right focuses on the wrong issue.
Don’t Give Up On America Just Yet
If you do not live in a rural area already, things might seem bleak. Eggs are cresting $10 a dozen while the government advises you skip breakfast. Doctors are still advising you to get the jab regardless of what research comes out against it. People tell you that you are all manner of “-ist” because you refuse to participate in their delusion.
None of this matters when you can escape to be among your own kind.
Mr. Anon’s Dating Tip of the Day
Generally speaking, you should never get dating advice from women. As creatures driven by our feels, we give terrible advice. In fact, we don’t often know what we want or need out of a relationship. Dating is an organic smorgasbord of emotions requiring little from us other than to show up and look pretty. We are happy to tell you to be yourself because that’s what we do, we show up, as ourselves and you love us for showing up.
Participate In Your Own Rescue
There is a popular saying among whitewater rafting enthusiasts: participate in your own rescue. The principle behind this is simple. If you fall out of the boat, you are going to have to do some of the work to get back in. Don’t sit there like a bump on a log, help them help you. The same is true in modern society, as we have seen time and time again.
OpSec Tips For Non-Techies
OpSec (short for Operational Security) is a concept that has been around for a long time in the tech world. It is a process of limiting dissemination of sensitive information. Why is it important to limit access to this information? The primary reason is that there are those who would use this information to hurt you.