An article in response to Myles Poland’s recent (and somewhat controversial) article, “They Asked For A Paper,” written by Sam of Full Haus, on the subject of modern dating.
Category: Articles
All articles submitted by Amerikaner Network contributors can be found in this category.
In Praise Of Mom
As women, wives and mothers, it is more difficult, not less. Our sphere is the domestic, our attention allocated first to our men and children. Beyond that, we are less inclined to take risks than our men, and inherently more vulnerable than them when we do. There are fewer groups in which we can take part and as women we are much more group oriented and thus less interested in individual actions.
So, as an Amerikaner woman who sees the state of the world, what are we to do?
Molotov Remembers: A Review
Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics, a collection of interviews with Vyacheslav Molotov conducted between 1969 and 1986. Molotov was the foreign minister of the Soviet Union during the Second World War and served as Joseph Stalin’s righthand man. He was also an “Old Bolshevik”, one of the original Russian revolutionaries, and an acolyte and associate of Vladmir Lenin. Molotov was an apologist for the brutality inflicted by the Communist system and prided himself on his role in the vanquishing of Germany. What then does this unrepentant leftist, this figure who caused so much damage to our cause and to our people, have to teach us?
Good Optics Starts with YOU!
A thought piece highlighting how we must focus on success – regardless of tactics used to achieve it – when it comes to the optics debate.
Be Ye Not
The Pro-White/White Nationalist movement grows daily it seems. It is heartening to see the numbers grow, be it in chats, “alt” social media, or even podcast listener numbers. But these numbers are internet numbers. Often, this influx of people that we notice and now speak to are nothing more than screen-names on an app. This anonymity is necessary due to the current state of our society, but anonymity has a price.
One Drop Too Many?
A short article this week admonishing those in our movement to oppose allowing even one drop of degeneracy and miscegenation into our movement, encouraging women in particular to remain vigilant, as they are the prime targets for our enemies in this regard.
Overcoming Addiction As A Society
The root causes of addiction largely stem from the lack of purpose and community among our young men. We must do better as a society to overcome this illness that seeks to destroy our future.
Rural Development And White Nationalism
The rural-city divide has been a frequent subject of debate within White Nationalist circles for decades before my time. Rural WN’s espouse the benefits of healthy living, high levels of racial homogeneity, and freedom from the restrictions that home owner associations and municipal codes place on their daily lives. On the other hand, urbanite Whites have access to high cultural institutions, greater economic opportunity, and the subject of this article, utilities and public services.
They Asked for a Paper: In Response to Pearl
On January 23rd 2023, Pearl published an article to Amerikaner titled “The Bad Trad.”
The thrust of the brief article was to make the case that everyone within the broader Dissident Right is a person, that all of us have a past, and that when it comes to dating men and women ought to give each other ample grace rather than turn up our noses at potential marriage partners because they fall short of lofty perfection.
The Melting Pot Melts Down
It can be difficult to explain the degenerative and corrosive effects of diversity on American society today to someone who has not experienced the demographic transition of their own local community from majority White European founding stock to invaders from the 3rd world. Here is a word picture to aid you in your efforts to enlighten those around you.