An essay by contributor Pearl regarding the interaction between respect and love in our relationships.
Category: Articles
All articles submitted by Amerikaner Network contributors can be found in this category.
On Beauty
Another short contemplative piece contributed by Pearl, detailing the relation of the modern world to beauty, or lack thereof.
Rowing The Boat Together
There is a streak of individualism that runs through every White American. It is how we are built – both our men and women.
But a relationship, a family, is something greater than the individual members. The modern American wisdom teaches us not to lose our individuality to the relationship. Too often, this means that we lose our relationships to preserve our individuality.
Legal Threats to Homeschooling
Another entry in Mrs. Saxon’s Dissident Homeschooling series discussing current and future threats to the homeschooling movement.
Bug Blacks as Predictive Programming
A valuable case study in the power that a coordinated media strategy can have on altering reality, with drastic effects on Whites.
The Current State of the Culture War in Weimerica
A contribution by Forrest Davis aka “Weimerica Observer” with a look back on this most recent year, the victories and defeats for our cause as we attempt to reinstate sanity in our nation once again
Amerikaner Community Radio
Have you ever wanted to start your own show, but are worried it won’t have enough material to keep going? Is there something you would like to share, but you don’t think it would ever get picked up by a larger podcast network? Do you have a hobby, skill, or interest that you think others could benefit from?
In the spirit of community building, we at the podcast network are looking for submissions for new Dissident Right community radio.
Abortion Would be an Incident, Not a Cause of Dissolution
Five months ago, I tried my hand at writing an article on the Supreme Court decision which overturned Roe v Wade. At the time, I believed that the issue was being covered by other, more capable writers, and so I shelved the project. Now, on the other side of the midterm elections and a different focus, I am trying again.
This is Mrs. Saxon’s fourth entry in her Dissident Homeschooling series, this time focused on what adults can do to improve their own education.
Oh Boy! Now Comes the Sternly Worded Letters!
So it is official, the Republicans have successfully retaken the House, and what does that mean for America?
Not a heck of a lot, if prior history is anything to go on…