It is obvious that our government hates and fears the workhorse for their grandiose schemes, and are working hard to accelerate their desired demographic changes in hopes of erasing the political power of the Amerikaners once and for all. The trouble is that, like a plant which grows with supports is unable to stand on its own, so too may today’s parasites on American society prove ultimately unable to stand on their own.
Category: Politics
Articles related to the political sphere.
The Price Of Freedom?
Recently, despite claims about the “perception of crime” being worse than the actual rate of crime by various fedophile shills, including the anti-White jewish supremacist John Liebowitz claiming “urine stained subways are the price of freedom,” the Governor of New York State declared that she would be deploying 750 National Guardsmen to the New York City subway in an attempt to crack down on the intense increase in crime there. This, on top of other sudden about-faces, leads to one question – if this could have been done all along, why did it even happen in the first place?
Grant Reads: “Collapse”
It is a self-reinforcing aspect of the fall of empires that the very idea of “collapse” becomes more fascinating to the public and their rulers. Right now, there are a lot of books about “collapse”, political and historical, predictive and descriptive, but Vladislav M. Zubok’s work “Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union” is still well worth the read.
The False Choice in the Russia-Ukraine War Debate
As the open war between Russia and Ukraine enters its second year, that conflict has again taken a prominent stage in both mainstream American politics and dissident discussions. Often, a familiar pattern plays out as arguments are exchanged, tempers flare, and the prospect of understanding seems farther away than ever. One of the chief stumbling blocks between the two sides of the debate is that the dissident debate over the Russia-Ukraine War has been obscured by the misrepresentation of half of the argument, namely the half which most Heritage Americans in the Heartland hold to.
The “Beautiful Losers” Of The Minnesota GOP
Minnesotan voters are, generally, a bunch of midwits. There is a strong “maverick” character to Minnesota politics, but aside from electing a former professional wrestler as governor of the state, this independent streak does not result in cool or entertaining outcomes. Instead, the end result is usually a spirited defense of the status quo, long after its other supporters have left the field.
Fire-Eaters And Conservatives
In response to the recent brouhaha on the southern border, there have emerged two prevailing tendencies among the dissident sphere. The first was rapturous joy, the excitement of things “happening”, with the promise of more radical change or conflict to come. The second response was more cynical. “Nothing ever happens” is how these figures are portrayed by their enemies, but it might be closer to depict them as St. Thomas instead, insisting on sticking their fingers in the happening before believing in it.
The Indian Question
The changing fortunes of White Americans over the past decades means that the incident which was once seen as an embarrassing foible has become a bludgeon with which the real invaders of the continent use to abuse the native population they are displacing.
No one speaks of actually returning land or sovereignty to the tribes which have been allowed to exist in their ghettos across the continent. Rather, the only goal is to take things from Whitey.
How Minnesota Got Her New Flag
While others have covered the symbolism of the new flag and seal for the state of Minnesota elsewhere, I believe that it would be illuminating for Heartlanders to understand how the new design will be implemented, and who was in charge of making the decision to jettison the state’s history and culture to satisfy a minority of perennially unhappy grievance-mongers.
The Floyd Saga
This piece was submitted via email by a resident of Minneapolis who wishes to remain anonymous. It is a sort of “Street History” of the George Floyd / Derek Chauvin debacle, which reads like a Film Noir and implies a truly impressive level of corruption and criminality at all levels of city government and policing.
Objectivism Is Dumb
A scathing critique of Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivsm, as written by the master polemicist, Myles Poland of “The Godcast”.