Five months ago, I tried my hand at writing an article on the Supreme Court decision which overturned Roe v Wade. At the time, I believed that the issue was being covered by other, more capable writers, and so I shelved the project. Now, on the other side of the midterm elections and a different focus, I am trying again.
Category: Politics
Articles related to the political sphere.
Oh Boy! Now Comes the Sternly Worded Letters!
So it is official, the Republicans have successfully retaken the House, and what does that mean for America?
Not a heck of a lot, if prior history is anything to go on…
Minnesota Is Not My Home
The death of one career criminal changed Minneapolis, but it also parted the veil on a lot of the changes which had been taking place under the surface. In a similar way, I would like to use the occasion of last week’s elections to reflect once more. This article does not hope to be an out-and-out analysis of the election, but instead a piece which will capture the mood of one man and the state he lives in.
Justice For Jupiter (Continued)
When Amerikaner last covered the Jupiter Paulsen murder trial, we were on our way to another deposition hearing that took place Thursday the 21st of April, 2022. Since then, new developments have taken place including the family of Jupiter Paulsen indicating they will be pressing hate crime charges against their daughters murderer as well as others, a trial date has been set, and the media and judicial system has shown themselves to be utterly dishonest in their reporting and handling of the case.
Turning Point Amerikaner
This past week I attended a Turning Point USA event titled ‘Unapologetically American’ at the NDSU campus in Fargo, North Dakota. The event was open to the public and to be attended by Scott Hennen and the 3 TPUSA speakers:
Former Miss MO 2015 Aria Adare Parker, who holds a degree in Product Development and International Business. Taylor Winston a former marine vet, owner of ‘2A Daddy’ a pro 2nd Amendment advocacy group, and who is credited with saving almost two dozen people at the Las Vegas shooting. And the final speaker, Anthony Watson, a Black guy.
Yesterday’s Losers, Today!
What the White Russians, the Cubans, the South Vietnamese, and others all had in common with today’s Afghani refugees is that they were losers. They fought for the right to shape the character and destiny of their homeland and they failed. Some struggled valiantly and others half-heartedly, but none of that changes the fact that their country and their countrymen ended up under the control of an ideology which they loathed. The Republican Party collected these dinosaurs into its coalition, happy for the bit of ethnic flair which they can trot out to assure their White voters that they aren’t racists for voting against Democrats. But the reason why they are such a perfect fit is because they are essentially defanged.
Justice for Jupiter
On February 17th, Pro-White demonstrators gathered outside the Cass County Courthouse to protest the anti-White double standards being displayed by the North Dakotan legal system. This story explains the full details of the case, and the activist response.
Polish Pro-Abortion NGO Exposed by Based and Redpilled Trad Waifu
In a stunning blow against the anti-Natalist agenda of the Jewish-controlled GAZE (Gay Afro-Zionist Empire), Polish student and journalist Lucja Dzidek has exposed Polish pro-abortion NGO ‘Abortion Dream Team’ in illegally providing abortion medications to what they thought was a 14-year-old girl.
Slouching Towards Collapse
It is worth exploring the end of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with reference to our current regime ruling from Washington, D.C. Historical parallelism is certainly a popular theme in the dissident sphere, encompassing connections to Weimar Germany’s degeneracy, the fall of Rome, and, for the mor exotic-minded, the bureaucratization of child abuse in the Ottoman Empire. It is also one prone to faults of wishful thinking and doom-saying.
Empirecidal September
I recently attended the Mental Health Matters (MHM) event Tuesday the 14th of September held at Broadway Square in downtown Fargo, ND, as September is National Suicide Prevention month. I was there on behalf of friends of mine, who are parents, but who are afraid to voice their opinion themselves on this topic for fear of retaliation from the schools or worse.