Welcome to Minnesota, where the state’s conservatives, once-hopeful for their chances to unseat a big-government governor are now despairing about their chances next November, stemming from the decapitation of the state Republican Party’s leadership due to ties with an alleged sex trafficker and predator.
Category: Politics
Articles related to the political sphere.
Greek Fire
On Friday, July 2nd, Nikephoros, one of the hosts of The Young Hwytes podcast, threw himself into the intellectual arena, pitting his wit against that of an Anarcho-Syndicalist known as The Tolerant Left, (or, apparently, Andy). While presented in a somewhat more lighthearted way than these sorts of things usually are, I was nevertheless impressed by how Nike comported himself.
The Realities of Race in America, 2021
Two significant and profound questions arise from the past eleven months of violent outbursts by urban blacks. The first is political. “Why does this country tolerate it?” The second and more anthropologically interesting question is “Why is there such a clear inability of underclass blacks to understand evidence, or law, or really, to understand much of anything?”
Facing Doomsday In Minneapolis
“The series of incentives and disincentives that rule the subjects of the United States and its vassals are profoundly anti-normal, anti-social, and anti-life. How can one make such a sweeping pronouncement? Look at the results of this system. Carefully nurtured for decades, the beast has emerged from its loathsome chrysalis and we are seeing it in full bloom.”
National Justice Party Issues Statement on Jake Gardner and the Anti-White Legal System
The National Justice Party has issued an official statement on the suicide of Jake Gardner and its relation to the anti-White nature of the United States legal system. This is not the first time the jewish anti-White system has driven an innocent man to suicide.
National Justice Party Issues Statements on Kyle Rittenhaus, Murder of Aaron Danielson
Amid growing “antifa” violence in the streets throughout the country, the National Justice Party has given official statements on the self-defense case of Kyle Rittenhaus, as well as the Anarchist Murder of Aaron Danielson.
National Justice Party Launch and Press Release
The National Justice Party has issued a formal Press Release, and has also published a video of its Inaugural Address. The response has been enthusiasm, as well as attempted sabotage by enemies of our people.
The Horde Mentality
It sounds perverse to our modern ears, but for centuries, Europe’s diversity was truly a source of strength. The competition between the kingdoms that might have otherwise united pushed our people to never before seen heights of achievements in all realms and all regions.
National Justice Party
You need to watch this. Visit nationaljusticeparty.com to learn more.
Conservative Bootlickers: Then and Now
Republicans writ large live or die by how the media perceives them. Even though it is the rural voters, the social conservatives, and, yes, the “racists” who put them into office, Republicans would gladly sell all of those groups up the river for a favorable mention in the Minnesota Star Tribune, let alone the New York Times.