Lets assume our history is exactly as we learned it, back when we were just good White boys, growing up in our American public schools. This curriculum is sure to instill a certain concept with in everyone I believe, and that is the concept of freedom. Freedom is a very loose term when you really try to hammer down what it actually means. Sure, I can go almost anywhere in the country if I wanted to, and I could do it at any time. So I must be free, right?
Category: Worldview
Articles and other writings pertaining to our ideology and worldview.
Towards a New American People
America is truly a unique country. With the context of time, it’s meaningless. As an empire in the present however, it has definitely made its mark on the world. All empires eventually crumble, and America will be no different. The effects it’s had on the North American continent will ring throughout the rest of the new world’s history. But in 200 years, what will be the true beginnings of America, and will they look different than the stories we are told today?
The simplest, most accessible form of culture is the spoken word. Common stories and common songs are the foundation of a Mannerbund, just as the Mannerbund is the foundation of a society. This is why shared language is so important, and part of why the hostile, alien elite of this country speaks their own language in private, and floods our lands with foreign peoples and foreign tongues.
The Kristallnacht Kid
Of the six shops in the area that were vandalized, five were jewish owned, the remaining owned by a libtard. There was only one store spared from being damaged, “Christian Eggert Violins,” an instrument shop in the center of the street, possibly indicating the alleged perpetrator’s admiration of classical music, and perhaps even a subtle message that great art is worth preserving – unlike the art of deception.
Part of Your Reich: A White Nationalist Review of The Little Mermaid (1989)
Before beginning, I want to acknowledge other more mainstream interpretations of The Little Mermaid. It has been alternatively described by some reviewers as a feminist movie what with its heroine, Ariel, rejecting her father’s authority and disobeying him in order to pursue a life of her own choosing, and as a sexist movie due to Ariel giving up her voice as a prerequisite for the chance to meet a man whom she has fallen in love with from afar. Such views are, in my opinion, equally valid and equally infantile. As this review will attempt to show, such interpretations neglect the wealth of storytelling elements – however unconscious – which point to a message rich in struggle, applicability, and hope for our people.
Let Them Look West
“The novel walks a tightrope of hope, faith, and cautious optimism, suspended over the pit of vipers that is the prevailing narrative. It never comes across as an unbelievable power fantasy, like The Turner Diaries, or as a descent into hopeless nihilism, which is an all-too-common thread in people of our beliefs today. Like the settlers who tamed Wyoming in the first place, the novel seems to have an expression of stoic determination as it rolls up its sleeves and gets to work showing you the future that we could all have, if we worked for it.”
A Girl Forgotten
When I left on my hours-long drive to Fargo, I expected when I returned to write a long diatribe about the horrors of Black on White Crime in America, and how nothing is being done about it. I suppose I still am, in a way.