A poem of hope and reflection.
Category: Media
Any media submitted to Achtung! Amerikaner, including video, music, and art, will be featured in this category.
A poem of betrayals, new and old.
White Dissident Radio!
Today we dive deep into Path of Resistance, whose new album has been anything but a disappointment. This is WDR’s first show in over a year, so plan on catching up with the last year of releases while we dissect a few memes, bust out an old Skrewdriver classic and bring you an outstanding playlist!
Turn it on, turn it up and rip the knob off!
Lost Lands and Cities
A poem extolling us, the descendants of great conquerors and explorers, to retake what we have lost, and to forge a new destiny.
War Dead
A poem dedicated to those who have fallen in war throughout the ages.
Glory to the Fatherland
A poem for those who have been lost to wars for God and Country, for those who have been lied into doing so, and to those who will be lost in the future for glorious purpose.
The Ecstasy Of Gold
A poem submitted to Amerikaner.org by Franz D’epinay, of a man who longs for the wealth, and therefore power, he feels he needs to change the world.
An Amerikaner Christmas: Silent Night
Organized by Nathaniel Socelli (Audio Invictus and The White Corner), this all-Amerikaner Christmas Carol Choir features the voices of Gordon Kahl (Achtung! Amerikaner), Eurodingo (Great Men Of Our History), Alex Holyfist (The Smoke Pit) and Yared Z (The Amerikaner Telegram Chat). We hope you enjoy this rendition of Silent Night, and that you and your family have a very merry Christmas!
In times like ours, it’s important to remember that there are things in this world that matter more than what’s happening in the news, or the petty squabbles we migt engage in with one another. Let us all work together to make these next two weeks, at least, a time of peace, joy, and tranquility, for ourselves, and for our children.
The Land of Confusion
I was inspired to make this video several weeks ago after hearing the song while at the gym a few times; long before the recent gay club shooting in Colorado Springs this past weekend. I imagine the original version had a different story in mind for the lyrics, but this was my interpretation of those words.
Be Your Brother’s Keeper
The first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness week in the U.S. About 70% of all suicides are White Males; over 33,000 each year. We must do all we can to stop this trend.