Gordon and Grug sit down to discuss murderous invaders, stupid Covid rules, cows made of butter, and why you shouldn’t give random strangers your phone number over telegram.
Category: Achtung! Amerikaner
Achtung! Amerikaner is a dissident right podcast for “fly-over country,” including the midwest, the great plains, the rust belt, and other forgotten areas of the US. We cover a variety of topics related to these areas, and hope to one day interview members of the dissident right from every fly-over state to learn more about their situations and, more importantly, what they are doing to prepare themselves and their communities for the harsh days ahead.
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Achtung! Amerikaner – The Franklin Cover-Up Deep Dive
Gordon, Grug, and Max get together for what is possibly the longest-ever episode of Achtung! Amerikaner, to deliver the promised deep dive (DEEP DIVE!) into the Franklin Cover-Up, an elite ring of child rapists based out of the area around Omaha, Nebraska, centered on Larry King, a black republican official, that goes all the way…
Achtung! Amerikaner – Interview With A Nomad
On today’s episode of Achtung! Amerikaner, Gordon and Grug meet in studio for the first time with a special guest. Water is a White Nationalist who has taken up a nomadic lifestyle, travelling the country. We will discuss his reasons for taking up such a life, advice he has for those who are interested, and his opinions on what he’s seen on his travels.
Achtung! Amerikaner – The Franklin Cover-Up
The boys get together to discuss an organized ring of child raping elites centered in Omaha, Nebraska that was active until at least the late 80s. Who was Larry King? Why is there no Wikipedia entry on this Republican Party apparatchik? And given what we know now about the Finders Cult, Jeffrey Epstein, and the various pedophiles infesting the FBI, does that change how we should look at this particular event?
Achtung! Amerikaner – Midwest News Roundup June 2021
Gordon and Grug are coming at you fast with a news story from every state in the Midwest, from Juneteenth Chimpouts to Murderous Mestizos to Graveyards Covered in QR Code Stickers, followed by a QA Session with the Livestream Viewers.
Achtung! Amerikaner – “The Right To Reason” with Robert Stanley
Gordon appears on Robert Stanley’s “The Right To Reason” to discuss White Nationalism, muh racism, and other topics. Half bloodsport, half reasonable conversation. There was a slight recording hiccup a couple minutes in so about five or ten minutes of the show is unavailable, but the real meat of the recording comes afterwards anyway.
AA – America in Decline (Featuring Dark Enlightenment)
Gordon and Grug were unavailable, so Rudy stole the keys for the show, joined by Dark Enlightenment, to go for a drive down the crumbling roads of this decrepit empire as they examine the collapse of the nation’s infrastructure and economy,
A!A – The American Boer (Featuring Saxon)
Gordon, Grug, and Rudy sit down with recurring guest Saxon to discuss the growing discontent with anti-White government policies granting loan forgiveness to black (and only black) farmers, what this could mean for our people and our movement going forward, and what it implies about the level of boot we can expect to feel on our collective necks in the coming days.
Achtung! Amerikaner – The Montana Freemen
The boys discuss the Montana Freemen, an old-school militia group famous for wacky financial shenanigans and an armed standoff with (most likely homosexual) FBI agents.
Achtung! Amerikaner – Balkanize Me, Baby
The boys discuss the recent proposal by a Minnesota Republican to make western Minnesota part of South Dakota, and compare this to other recent “pseudo-secession” proposals, examining what this might imply as the Empire of the United States declines further.