Series 14, Episode 4: S. Stanislaus Kostka and the Scourging Download Link Today’s Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Tarasius, begs the intercession of S. Rita of Cascia on behalf of a nameless couple struggling in their marriage. Today’s reflection considers the life of S. Stanislaus Kostka and the example he sets for us…
Category: The Daily Decade
We are here to help you navigate the clownish hellscape of modernity with the mightiest weapons and surest defence a Christian can have – the Holy Rosary and the friendship of the Church Triumphant!
Your Daily Decade 3, No. 18
Series 14, Episode 3: The Resurrection of S. Ignatius Download Link Today’s Daily Decade, for the Feast of the Chair of S. Peter at Antioch, begs the intercession of S. Christopher to pray for the young daughter of the one of the founders of t S. Michael’s Operations. who went into the NICUU earlier this…
Your Daily Decade 3, No. 17
Series 14, Episode 2: S. Nicholas Owen’s Fiat Mihi Download Link Today’s Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Euchere d’Orleans, begs the intercession of S. Francis of Assisi for Jane Doe, a listener on the fediverse who seeks God’s aid in bearing her burdens. Today’s reflection focuses on S. Nicholas Owen and how he…
Your Daily Decade 3, No. 16
Series 14, Episode 1: S. Athanasius and the Choice of the Agony Download Link Today’s Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Simeon of Jerusalem, offers prayers for the repose of the soul of the aunt of listener Tadano, who passed away last week. Today’s reflection deals with S. Athanasius of Alexandria, great defender of…
Your Daily Decade 3, No. 15
Series 13, Episode 15: Obstacles to Our Crowning Download Link Today’s Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. John of Matha, begs the intercession of S. Ignatius of Loyola on behalf of long-time listener and friend of the prayercast Patrick, who has been presented with a life-changing opportunity and desires discernment. Today’s reflection is on…
Your Daily Decade 3, No. 14
Series 13, Episode 14: Finding Jesus in the Eternal Moment Download Link Today’s Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Titus, begs the intercession of S. Monica of Thagaste for the special intention of Jared, who asks for his wife’s conversion to the Faith. Today’s reflection is on living in the moment, and what moment…
Your Daily Decade 3, No. 13
Series 13, Episode 13: Be Not Soft to Sin Download Link Today’s Daily Decade, for the Feast of S. Andrew Corsini, begs the intercession of S. Christopher on behalf of his namesake, whose mother Angela has asked for prays effecting his conversion to the Faith. Today’s reflection is on the good works that toughen us…
Your Daily Decade 105 – The Crucifixion
Just as we journey to the Cross, we journey through the Cross, from the sinner who crucifies Christ to the penitent to begs mercy from his own cross, to the disciple who adores Him and His sacrifice.
Your Daily Decade 104 – The Coronation of Mary
Just as our truest model of masculinity is Christ, who rules justly and exercises authority with perfect love, the truest model of femininity is His mother, whom He has appointed to nurture and guide us towards our Heavenly Father.
Your Daily Decade 103 – The Finding of the Child Jesus
There are two ways to ask God “why?” – it is either the selfish “why me?” or the loving “how can I do better?”