Christ promises us no servant is greater than his master – our wage is our imitation of the master we choose, whether Christ who suffers at the hands of the world for eternal reward, or Satan, who rewards worldly thought and action, but is punished in eternity.
Category: The Daily Decade
We are here to help you navigate the clownish hellscape of modernity with the mightiest weapons and surest defence a Christian can have – the Holy Rosary and the friendship of the Church Triumphant!
Your Daily Decade 90 – The Crucifixion
The pain of the Cross manifests less God’s anger or justice than His love and mercy, taking upon Himself the curse He placed on our first parents and drawing out of it our greatest blessing.
Your Daily Decade 89 – The Coronation of Mary
We seek an imperishable crown in the eternal Kingdom; do not let your heart be troubled by worldly concerns or seek your salvation in politics and scandal: it is not there.
Your Daily Decade 88 – The Finding in the Temple
We will not find the Kingdom that is not of this World if we only seek Our King amonng those things that are of the world.
Your Daily Decade 87 – The Way of the Cross
We are all crucified in the end upon the Cross of our own making. We need to choose on which side of Christ we choose to suffer: accepting our hardships on His right hand or reviling Him for them on His left.
Your Daily Decade 86 – The Assumption
A life without suffering is a life without meaning and purpose, and the worst thing a man can do is deny himself meaningful struggle by fleeing from it.
Your Daily Decade 85 – The Presentation
We worship God in spirit and in truth when our worship, be it liturgical or mundane, is done out of love rather than merely obedience.
Your Daily Decade 84 – The Crown of Thorns
We can plead ignorance of God in excusing our faults, but cannot forget it was at the hands of the ignorant that He was tortured.
Your Daily Decade 83 – Pentecost
God will never send us into battle without the weapons to win the war being waged against us. We only need to pick them up.
Your Daily Decade 82 – The Nativity
We follow Christ our leader out of the slavery of Sin, like the Hebrews out of Egypt, but do we have the fortitude to do what the Hebrews could not, and never look back?