Live in the moment, but not for the moment: struggle and strive, neither presume nor despair. Give your whole self to this fight, and you will share the final victory.
Category: The Daily Decade
We are here to help you navigate the clownish hellscape of modernity with the mightiest weapons and surest defence a Christian can have – the Holy Rosary and the friendship of the Church Triumphant!
Your Daily Decade 80 – The Ascension
Peace is a state of soul, not the aftermath of contention but the means wherby cantankerous sin is quieted, the prerequisite of all worldly peace.
Your Daily Decade 79 – The Visitation
To Abraham and Sarah, God promised a people, whom their son would anoint; to Zacharias and Elizabeth He promised a Saviour, whom their son would baptize.
Your Daily Decade 78 – The Agony
Arm yourself for battle, train for competition, pray, be wakeful, and humble yourself before God to take up your daily Cross.
Your Daily Decade 77 – The Resurrection
God summons us to share in the spoils of His conquest of death and the devil – why would we refuse to answer?
Your Daily Decade 76 – The Annunciation
We are called as creations of God to echo our Creator, to mirror His Will, to fulfil His purpose for us.
Your Daily Decade – Intro and 2022 in Review
An introduction and year in review of The Daily Decade: helping you navigate the hellish clownworld of modernity with Faith, Hope, and Charity.