DOWNLOAD Back from vacation, and back to the grind. It might be the summer, but it’s Houseboat time! Welcome back everyone, to the biggest One Piece stan podcast this side of the Mason-Dixon. We hope you all had a great weekend, and are ready to have an even better week. Fresh ideas and hot takes…
Category: Exodus Americanus
All aboard the Great American Houseboat! Roscoe Jones and his crew of blue-collar compatriots work hard and play even harder. Exodus Americanus is the show for those who want to kick back and relax after a hard day of knuckle-busting work.
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Exodus Americanus 367 – Vagina Repellent 101
DOWNLOAD Lots of whiskey, and lots of beer. The Houseboat is sharing some holiday cheer. Happy Independence Day everyone, even if its not just yet. We hope you all have good food, cool fire works, and a lot of fun with friends and family alike. And while you’re all together, show them this week’s episode,…
Exodus Americanus 366- 1,488 Leagues Under The Sea
DOWNLOAD We struggle our lifes, for fun and for glee. But this houseboat rides above the sea. Fortune favors the surfer of the internet who finds another fantastic episode, we are thankful to post for you. This edition includes us discussing billionaire mishaps, workly hot takes, and more, on this week’s Exodus Americanus. Mile’s…
Exodus Americanus 365 – Year Of The Houseboat
DOWNLOAD It took a long time, but good or bad we’re here. The Houseboat hit a grand milestone, come stand with us and cheer. This week is a special week for us. As we set out on this voyage that marks a full year of episodes, we hope you drink em if you got em,…
Exodus Americans 364: Your Inner Child Would Very Much Like to Attend a Monster Truck Rally
DOWNLOAD Beyond belief, beyond control, it’s white boy summer, and we’re losing control. Welcome aboard the number one non-political, houseboat oriented podcast on this website. Whether you’re a new listener, or you’ve been listening since we were new, we appreciate your patronage. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the calm waters in this week’s, Exodus…
Exodus Americanus 363 – Fraternal Order of The Demonic Cryptids
DOWNLOAD The time has come, where back again. We brought good times, and even a friend. We sure hope you’re ready for this one errbody. We get real busy real fast in this week’s, Exodus Americanus. A very special monthDemons As GhostsBig little kittiesPress FReal deep lore minutesRichard Spencer surprise appearanceW R A S T…
Exodus Americanus 362 – Dawn of The Reich-Coon
DOWNLOAD Raise the sails, and tally the beers. We’re lifting up spirits, and shouting out cheers. A new week has dawned, and we’re doing fantastic as always. Once again we are coming to you good listeners with some exciting new updates, quality takes, and a healthy amount of contempt. It ain’t much, but it’s honest…
Exodus Americanus 361 – Blue World Order
DOWNLOAD Ride the tides, and expect commotion. The houseboat is back, and we rule this ocean. Welcome back dear listeners. Now that the weekend is wrapping up, and the work week is about to begin, we figured we’d drop something special for you all. Another exciting episode of, Exodus Americanus. Dream ja vuBack it upHomo…nershipYard…
Exodus Americanus 360 – Outback Skankhouse
DOWNLOAD Welcome back to the Houseboat of all Houseboats. Remember to tell the mothers in your life “Happy Mother’s Day”, that we asked how they’ve been doing, and to enjoy this week’s, Exodus Americanus. New KahllerHimbo 101Smok Geng VVedReal validationGross faggotryT R U M PDBS countdown Knocked Out Dead Girl Gumroad fun raiserWignastyCrack hoe pin…
Exodus Americanus 359 – Float Like An Elf, Sting Like A Dwarf
DOWNLOAD We party hard, it’s a bit of a quirk. But it can’t last forever, so we’re back to work. Fresh back from the houseboats big weekend, we’re getting back into our normal routine, and you get to hear about it. But first you must ask yourself. Will you dare to venture into whatever happens…