Jesse James was born in a burning borderland, and raised in the American Civil War. He never surrendered for 12 years afterwards, becoming the most legendary American outlaw of all time. Our host Magnus and Pavel sit upon Ozark mountaintops and discuss the last warrior of the South, in tribute to the great man. All shows available for download…
Category: Great Men of Our History
Great Men of Our History is a series that honors European men who have often been forgotten or maligned by historical revisionism. The hosts Pavel, Magnus, and EuroDingo explore the lives and times of our great ancestors.
We suggest starting chronologically with Sparta, and go forward.
Stepan Bandera
Stepan Bandera was born into the harshest of worlds in Western Ukraine. His homeland beset at all sides by foreign powers and horrific occupation. His life of struggle, and his goal of Ukrainian independence, has become a major focus point of the current war in Ukraine. Today he is a legend and hero to a great…
Walter Elias Disney
The greatest American cinematic artist of the 20th century, Walt Disney, followed his childhood dreams, and created a film studio and media empire that promoted wholesome family values. Uncle Walt was a visionary of the future who also idealized European folk traditions. He also was a staunch opponent of communism and degeneracy. During his times, the…
Henry Ford
A young man from a small farm town in Michigan set off to build motor carriages, and his journey and work ethic changed the world as we know it. An inventor, father, social activist, mechanic, patriot, and race car enthusiast- Henry Ford was a titan of his times. Born in America during the Civil War,…
Charles Augustus Lindbergh
Charles Lindbergh was a man of his time, and The Man of his times. ‘Lucky Lindy’ flew to heights of fame and glory that transcended the Atlantic divide between Europe and America. Visionary, daredevil, genius, father, WWII fighter pilot, author, and national hero. He lived a life so great, across the world, that many are not…
Augusto Pinochet
General Augusto Pinochet was a cultural traditionalist, military general officer, and economic libertarian. He was a prodigy of French-Breton and Spanish-Basque ancestors raised on the Pacific shores of the Andes. He saved his European colonial homeland from communism, and escorted his enemies away on one-way helicopter trips. Host Eurodingo is joined by Super Lutheran & Miles Poland of the Godcast to discuss their 2nd favorite…
Theodor Körner & Arno Breker
Great artist of Germany. Theodor Korner was a soldier, a poet, and musician who dedicated his life to the German uprising of the 1800s. His inspiration lives on with his beloved songs about the Fatherland and the Deutsch Friekorps. Arno Breker is the greatest German sculptor and architect of all time. Host Eurodingo is joined by guest Westphalian and Vik to pay tribute…
Léon Degrelle
Le legendary legionnaire Leon Degrelle. Philosopher. Author. Father. Catholic Crusader. Infantry legionnaire in the fight against communism, Leon Degrelle began as a Catholic politician in Belgium with his Rexist movement. During WWII, after Germany invaded the USSR, Leon raised the Walloon Legion and went to the East to fight for Europe. Degrelle and his Wallonie Legion fought with…
Peter Kemp , Pt. 2 : Spy, commando & British patriot
Peter Kemp returns victorious to England just in time to defend the British Empire in WWII. Our nationalist legionnaire is dispatched across Europe and Asia on daring undercover commando missions, as told in his books No Colours or Crest and Alms for Oblivion. Eurodingo and Pavel continue the story of the legionnaire turned international man of mystery and danger. Listen and download…
Peter Kemp , Pt.1, Nationalist Legionnaire
Peter Kemp was an Englishman who left a life of safety and position as a lawyer at age 21, and enlisted in the Spanish Nationalist forces to fight communism in the Spanish Civil War. Legionnaire Kemp survived many intense battles on the way to victory, and lived to tell the tale in his book, Mine Were of…