Bobby and Ruckus link up to discuss what we have all known since episode 2 of The Gamer Word- the goblins are attempting to influence and change culture through video games and true Gamers that stand up to it are (and are viewed as) “evil Nazis” that need to be monitored and dealt with. Also, how the industry continues to quadruple down on the anti-Gamer practices as it dissolves the its finances while allowing it’s people to engage in literal sex crimes (as is the case with seemingly every “liberal” and “feminist”.
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Category: The Gamer Word
A podcast focused on video games and their role in our culture.
The Gamer Word Episode 82- Talmudic Tricks and Rabinical Ruses in Gaming
Whats this?! Is that game you swore was based actually a cleverly disguised goblinoid trick? Is that based development studio that claims to not be bowing down to DEI pressures actually telling the truth? Is there historical accuracy to the games that claim such? And why is it that just about every game that comes out with a non-White protagonist ultimately becomes Black Power: The Vidya Gayme?!
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The Gamer Word Episode 76: Sweet Baby Fail Guards
After finally fighting off those randy goth girls, Bobby and Rolo are back to join Ruckus in laughing at the absolute sewage fest that has been leaking from the AAA gaming industry: From the “rpg” that forces you to apologize for not reinforcing delusions and destroying culture (all while fighting da ebil whyte man) to sequels that Ruckus has been waiting for longer than he has been red pilled to the sneaky goblin tactics that various (((investment groups))) are trying to pull as they SWEAR… to double down and continue to lose money.
Breaking News from TGW: Watchdogs is Real!- Episode 74
The man, the movement himself warned us time and time again. Come listen as he informs us that while we are laughing at gay ninjas, the technogoblins have been developing stuff that used to only exist in videogames.
The Gamer Word Episode 73: Ubislop to present Creeds Ass
The men come together to laugh and cry at the current state of the AAA gaming industry and to argue: will ninjas be gay?
The Gamer Word Episode 72: Transition Gaming to N-Word Shame
The men come together to discuss the conspiracy theory behind hardon collisions, investment firms, and gaming. This includes the Nelson Mandela effect, where countries go to shit and women in gaming are Tanyafied because the goblins in their monetary thaumaturgy have attempted to swap us into an alternate timeline where mutilation of beauty and fetishization of blacks is a popular thing.
The Gamer Word Episode 70: Bright Future Ahead
Ruckus and Rolo come together to discuss the upcoming games they are looking forward to and the frankly very extreme schadenfreude that is going on in regards to the gaming industry that gives them hope for the future.
The Gamer Word Episode 69: Dustborn from the Concords failure
Ruckus and Rolo get together to laugh at the morbidly “woke” (liberal,goblin,etc) game that is Dustborn and consider whether it is more tragic than the game that somehow broke Rule 34.
The Gamer Word Episode 68: Monke makes Sweet Baby take a Helldive
Hoo Boy! It’s been a fun time in the gaming industry. From Super Earth losing the faith of it’s citizens to the inevitable rise and return to Monke, the Sweet Baby enjoyers (pun not intended but disgustingly probably true) are looking to be like stockbrokers back in 1929.
The Gamer Word 67- Well just cut off my dick and shove it up my ass
Ruckus and Rolo take some time while Bobby gets his Chat DMT update (don’t believe any lies he tells about going to the bahamas with his baby mamma) to discuss the latest in faggotry and financial suicide in the gaming industry. From the tanyafication of women, to shitty, dumbed down gameplay and even just removing mechanics from remakes, it seems clear that the only good things coming in the games industry is from independent modders (and maybe some Chinese studios).