The men come together to discuss tech issues, such as the AI hoe deflation already in effect, Playstation trying to become Apple, and how White Men are out- kid touchers and basketball americans are in- for the new Call of Duty. Then they seek Deliverance to a simpler time, where they can learn how things used to be as they seek their Kingdom Come.
Category: The Gamer Word
A podcast focused on video games and their role in our culture.
The Gamer Word Episode 38- Black Texan Musicals
While Ruckus is on hiatus tracking down a waifu that claims to be descended from Genghis Kahn, Rolo and Bobby have a hearty discussion about how to survive in Texas. Helpful tips include keeping your chainsaw revved and ready as you dodge sheboon uber drivers and keep your bros from simping for obese ethots.
The Gamer Word Episode 37- Final Fantasy N(inja)
Come join the men as they discuss the current state of the video game industry: from monitoring you for wrong think, making moves to push their “history” lessons onto children, and testing the waters on yet even more intrusive “security measures”; to the state of remakes and how the only things that seem to be real are Black Ninjas and breast reduction for all the hot chicks Gamers have come to enjoy.
The Gamer Word Episode 36- Goblin Rockstar
The men come together to discuss the war on Gamers and the slimy goblinoids that are ruining everything: From the absolute travesty of turning hot busty White women into snarling monkeys (with bonus discussion on when you could have an entertainment product whose whole point was to showcase a White bombshell) to how one of the biggest names in the video game industry is putting out shit in a box and they think Gamers will buy it because it has their label on it.
The Gamer Word Episode 35- The Billion dollar Italian question
The men come together to discuss the state of the gaming industry as a whole and whether or not turning a butch lesbo squatamalen into a pretty Italian will be enough to save a company that has showed time an again they do not care about their customers and are on board with all the anti-Gamer things being done.
The Gamer Word Episode 34- The better Dragon game
Y’all heard of Skyrim, right? Well the men are joined by AK today to discuss the much better dragon game. They discuss the good, the bad, and the busty in this game. But remember, even beyond the sheer number crunching autism that comes with the “high end builds”, the important thing is to be an absolute sigma male like Juliene and not a Mercedes or Aelinore loving simp.
The Gamer Word Episode 33- They know what you want (they just wanna ruin it for you)
Ruckus, Rolo, and Bobby come together to discuss the lamentable fact that, while big companies will spend a bunch of money on games, the people who actually make the games are effectively taking pay cuts to work on them, as opposed to similar jobs in the tech field. Come listen and get educated about how all that goblin money is used to ruin every new game for you, but appeal to the unnatural dysgenic masses they want to replace you with.
The Gamer Word Episode 32- Reddit gold mafia payday
In an exciting episode, follow reddit-goldfinger Rolo, Bobby the pizza man and payday Ruckus as they discuss the ongoing calamity that is the greed and terminal liberalism of reddit and the goblinoid forces they serve. Sit back and laugh with them as they watch the modern day Rome of the internet burn down, not by invading hordes, but by the libtarded kooks that have been placed as the foot soldiers of the goblin insurrection.
The Gamer Word Side Quest- Sarskeezian Black Widow for Destiny
In a time for tech talk (much too big brain for Ruckus to comprehend), Bobby and Rolo come together to discuss the amazing advances in AI, from art to report writing, to even therapy and creating new tv episodes for you to enjoy.
The Gamer Word Episode 31- Roll D4 for padding on Dead Island with Gollum
The men come together to discuss the padding that Blizzard tries to do to cash in on a favorite franchise while enjoying the true to life diversity that is showcased in Hell-A before diving into the absolute masterpiece that is the new Lord of the Rings game released by Daedelic.