Gordon is joined by Super Lutheran (“The Godcast”), as well as Rick and AJ (“The Smokepit”) to discuss the growing trend in popular media of depicting a United States wracked by modern civil war, and to try to discern how such a war, or civil unrest, might take place in the near future.
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- The Godcast: https://amerikaner.org/category/podcasts/godcast/
- The Very Lutheran Project: https://t.me/VeryLutheran
- The Smoke Pit: https://amerikaner.org/category/podcasts/smoke-pit/
- The Smoke Pit Telegram: https://t.me/Pile_Of_Rocks
I have some difficulties listening, guys – Interesting for sure in one way and hard in another – especially that military experience – “war on terror” – war on Iraq, Afghanistan etc All Muslim countries and nations destroyed had nothing to do with the terror attacks on 9/11. Millions of civilians got killed. US veterans seem to be very proud about the US military, navy etc, and what they can accomplish.
I am repeating the question you have chosen not to reply to (so far): “What is the ‘precious service’ (to America – to the homeland?) US military veterans can be proud of? – Are they heroes? –
Americans talk a lot about ‘freedom – liberty – independence – how valuable democracy is’ – Have you ever brought anything of value to any of the countries and nations the US military forces have attacked, invaded, destroyed, and keep permanently occupied and enslaved to the Jewish slave masters on top? 800+ US military bases around the world. An empire of worldwide influence and power over the occupied nations! And all the while the United States themselves like all white nations… are being flooded with alien invaders from all over the world, the borders left unprotected, the white countries only invaded, the freedoms of the people stolen away from under your buts…
And the question is: “Where did all the good (brave, courageous, principled) men go? The defenders and protectors of homes and families?”
They fell, they died in the world wars – unfortunately fighting and killing each other. Deceived, betrayed. Duped. Overpowered. Defeated. – The winners are: the Jews.
Fighting for Jewish power, for Communism has always been a bad choice. No knowing the enemy is always fatal. Repeating the same errors is suicidal.
You do know. You need not be told. – But what about the many who do not know – and even worse: who do not care to know? Just following orders! Doing the “job”. Waging endless wars for Jewish Zionist power, detrimental to the best American interests! Not identical to the Jewish interests. Lots of enemies created around the world, lots of anti-American sentiments by siding with the genocidal Jewish overlords planning to enslave the whole world (Jewish one world government)! The US military should stop aiding them, stop enabling them to do whatever they want. Such destructive powers in the hands of psychopaths – is the worst threat. Nobody and nothing can stop them?
Nothing? – Worldwide public opinion is not in favor of the perpetrators.