Gordon returns with what is likely the last of his travel monologues before he returns to the warm embrace of being a productive member of society. He talks about his time in California and the American Southwest, opines about Regionalism, and ends with a hopeful note about the future.
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So true
What Gordon is not my friend? In the Words of Greta “How dare you!!!”
Gordon <3's High Chief (no homo)
Hey thanks for the shows. When you talk about regionalism what do you mean besides the geography? Do Whites in america not speak the same language, celebrate them same holidays, have a mix of European ancestry etc? Do the farmers in the Northwest farm less hard than the ones in the southeast or Midwest? Aren’t the differences more economic or of a social position? What’s a meaningful difference between a country boy from the south vs a country boy from the west?
When shtf are people really going to be concerned what region a likeminded white person is from, and to the extent regional groups organize before shtf can/will/should they stop other like minded whites from relocating to wherever a safe place is for them?
I think there are pretty clear differences in how people act and operate. It’s true that a farmer in Oregon is probably going to have a similar sort of mindset to a farmer in Arkansas. But a farmer in Oregon is going to think a Dry County is bizarre and not get it, whereas the people of Arkansas know full well why they need Dry Counties, and doesn’t have an issue with it. And while most of the differences right now are economic, that would change, a lot, if the continental empire that is the United States ever stopped being continental. When you can get everything you need shipped from anywhere in a couple of days, it does have something of a flattening effect on culture. It’s why everyone in the world wears blue jeans and t-shirts now.
I don’t think a regional or local worldview requires you to be shitty or cruel or deny likeminded Whites access to your enclave. What I think it does mean is that getting involved with National groups that have (so far) proven completely pointless is probably a waste of time and resources. We got a Charlottesville attendee as a city councilor in Enid, Oklahoma, we’ve never once gotten a pro-White elected president. I can’t vote for Enid City Council, and I’d assume neither can you. So, presumably, the answer is either to all move there and push that, or to try to start something similar in our own area.
Hope that makes sense. I’ll admit my regionalism opinion is based mostly off of the feelings I’ve gotten as I’ve traveled. Obviously there are plenty of very nice White people in every part of the US. But even things like road maintenance, the way people drive, whether or not someone will talk to you out in public, etc, are quite different. And these aren’t as big as different languages, sure, but I get the feeling those differences exist for a reason, and any sort of hardship will exacerbate those reasons.
Hmm so basically geographical and environmental circumstances are changing the essence of what a White person is or capable of being? That sounds a lot like “they only act this way because of where they’re from is XY or Z” as opposed to put a White man anywhere and he’ll thrive and adapt to the conditions which historically has been true including and especially in the USA. There either are immutable racial characteristics or there aren’t. I’f there aren’t then racialism in general is pointless, of course environment and economic conditions effect someone but I guess the point is are there any immutable differences between American whites in other regions? The answer is obviously not really despite how much we want to believe there’s some kind of special subgroups of the American White. The failure of a small group of greedy online podcasters is a weak excuse to create more barriers between an already weakened ever increasing spread out minority of people. Again , same language, same holidays, same religion, same or similar history, simmilar occupations, and most importantly same genetic stock with some small variations. American Whites are in fact one group of people spread across a continent and as things get worse whatever superficial barriers exist will turn into thin air when they’re forced to have to rely on and deal with eachother again.
I think environmental differences matter, yes. Genetics are A primary factor, but hardly the only one. By your logic, Polish people in Poland should be in the same government as Spaniards in Spain. I don’t think they should. I think they can work together and be friendly, and are genetically very similar, especially compared to, say, a Nigerian. But I don’t see why I should pretend their similarities make them identical.
I hope someone keeps this travel commentary going. It brings such interesting perspective.
Well, if I end up going anywhere else I’ll do more of them. My nomad arc is done for now but I do plan on visiting a couple more places over the coming year.