On Friday, July 2nd, Nikephoros, one of the hosts of The Young Hwytes podcast, threw himself into the intellectual arena, pitting his wit against that of an Anarcho-Syndicalist known as The Tolerant Left, (or, apparently, Andy). While presented in a somewhat more lighthearted way than these sorts of things usually are, I was nevertheless impressed by how Nike comported himself.
I have done two of these sorts of debates myself, but as can be determined by Nike’s performance, there’s definitely more than one way to skin a cat in this regard – while I tend towards an aggressive, somewhat slapdash style of attack, he was funny, poised, and never skipped a beat while trying to sway the “Radical Centrists” of The Grillcast™ to our point of view.
You can stream the debate on YouTube here. As far as I am aware there is no MP3 version available at this time, and the YouTube video itself is age-restricted, meaning you will require a YouTube account to view the debate. If another version becomes available, I will place a link in this article.
Update: The video can be watched here without a YouTube account.
I was refreshed by how civil and self-aware the Anarcho-Syndicalist was in this debate, compared to the RadLib Progressive Atheists I have argued with on my own show. The young man Nike was at odds with was largely reasonable, and even personable.
Likely, he’ll be a White Nationalist by the end of the decade – although I think he admitted to being a homosexual in the podcast, so that might be a difficult sell.
Regardless, Nike deserves praise and respect for his performance, and I highly recommend anyone who is interested go and check out the debate on YouTube. Like, comment, etcetera. It is a rare few these days who will have the ορχείς (according to Google, that’s Greek for “Testicles”) to platform those of us with dissident views.
Hail Nike, Hail The Young Hwites, and Hail all those who are taking the time to grill this July!
You can use an alternate youtube front end like invidious to get past the age restriction if you don’t have a google account. Copy the watch= etc. portion of the URL and pick a server from invidio.us. This one is up at the moment https://yt.cyberhost.uk/watch?v=LGOZjcQoWLY
Thank you, added the link to the post.
Hey where i can dind your debate?
Is the most recent one
Is one I did last year.