After the Waukesha protest, (along with a great many other channels) was censored on Telegram. The way this is accomplished is that the channel cannot be displayed on any device using the official Google Play or Apple Store app. Rather than attempt to make a bunch of new pages to avoid this censorship, I have endeavored to make a guide available on the site for how to bypass these problems altogether.
All credit to Zoomerwaffen for the original post.
For Apple Users

- Use the Safari Browser.
- Open and Log In to Telegram via the web app
- Tap “Share Icon” (1).
- Select “Add to Home Screen” (2) to create an easily accessible web app icon.
- Use that icon to access telegram from now on.
For Android Users

- Download the Telegram App directly from instead of the Google Play Store.
- Install the Telegram APK.
The reason they silence us that what we say has they power to bring them down. Never stop.
as of today 19 may 2022 there is a new form of censorship that even if you login from it does not display all channels anymore. For example for the Western Chauvinist channel I get that “it violates Telegram…”.
Before via browser I could see it.
I am connecting via VPN france and russia. I think is seeing my Italian phone number and it blocks it.
this is shite