These aren’t protests against injustice – this is a race war.
If you’ve been paying attention over the last few years, you probably already know this. Unfortunately, it appears there are still people up in the cheap seats that haven’t gotten the memo yet.
The United States is an Empire, and Empires are governed primarily through the coercion of the multi-national populace by the state. In the US, the claim is that all peoples are equal. Apparently, in this particular Empire, some animals are more equal than others.
Over the last ten years, certain nations (namely, blacks), have been given free reign to loot and pillage some of our most historic cities, while others have been facing stiff punishments for daring to protect themselves and their communities.
If you are a white man who tries to stop a black man from stealing from your neighbor, you will be locked up without bail and charged with a hate crime. If you are a white woman and get accosted by a black man in a park and call the police, you will lose your job and receive death threats. And when these things happen to you, no one will come to your aid.
Meanwhile, if you’re a drug-addicted petty criminal who dies in police custody, every city in the United States with a heavy black population will apparently start on fire.

The message we receive from the media, the government, and the education system is that our country is a hotbed of white supremacy and fascism. Yet, blacks are allowed to run wild in our streets, and whites are victimized.
This isn’t some temporary setback. Electing Donald Trump didn’t fix the problems we are facing, and electing him again in 2020 won’t have a different result. Despite all of his posturing and bloviating on twitter, what we are seeing in the streets of Minneapolis, Atlanta, Memphis, and LA is a tacit admission from the system that rules us that you are free to commit any crime you like – as long as you aren’t white.
This might seem like a condemnation of blacks, but to be honest, it isn’t – blacks understand the game that is being played in this degenerate economic zone we call a country. There won’t be some law and order crackdown, these people won’t be punished. They’ll get their cartload of pillaged Chinese-made plastic crap from Target and slink off back into the holes they crawled out of, and most likely the response from the system will be some lecture about racism and how white people need to “do better.”
Maybe they’re right – but for the wrong reasons. This isn’t your country anymore, white man. This isn’t a nation defined by rule of law. You aren’t in control of your own destiny, and if you don’t learn to defend your fellows, you’re going to wind up just like Mollie Tibbets, Kate Steinle, or Angela Summers, and no one will remember your name. This Empire isn’t for you.
This Empire is Minority Owned.