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Generally speaking, you should never get dating advice from women. As creatures driven by our feels, we give terrible advice. In fact, we don’t often know what we want or need out of a relationship. Dating is an organic smorgasbord of emotions requiring little from us other than to show up and look pretty. We are happy to tell you to be yourself because that’s what we do, we show up, as ourselves and you love us for showing up.
Men are expected to take a more active role. You do the asking; you do the planning; you make the moves to push the relationship forward. It’s a far more active role and as the cliché goes: “Ask the fisherman not the fish…”
But I digress and I have promised you tried and true dating tips so let’s begin…
Mr. Anon’s Dating Tip #1: Get a Motorcycle
Our first date came about when Mr. Anon called up and commanded: “I’m taking you for a ride, wear something slutty”. He picked me up after work that evening and we took a ride to the nearest city for a drink. I spent the evening with my arms around him, my stomach full of martinis and butterflies while he sped up and slowed down pushing me even tighter against him.
Let’s dissect.
“I’m taking you for a ride, wear something slutty”
I don’t recommend telling a woman to wear something slutty, especially those nice trad girls that I hear everyone is crazy about. The important take away here is the direct command. He demonstrated from the get go that he was in control and I was, literally, along for the ride. Even the most Career GalTM Feminist wants a man who has the confidence to be in charge. Further, had I balked at this, he would have known that a relationship with me would be a perpetual battle for dominance.
The Motorcycle Ride
He has given this advice to men in the past and the motorcycle is where everyone zones out. You are a biker or you aren’t. Moreover, you have the money for a bike or you don’t. If you aren’t and you don’t, you dismiss the advice and move on.
That is the wrong take away. The advice is actually to do something exciting. Women live in their emotions, remember? An adrenaline filled motorcycle ride can easily be replaced with a day at the amusement park or a trip to the gun range. It is human nature to feel your feeling and THEN rationally attribute them to a source. In this case, the motorcycle causes the feelings and the man gets the benefit. I attributed the thrill and the butterflies to Mr. Anon. The tactile nature of the date allowed for a considerable amount of touching and subsequent oxytocin release.
Actions Over Words
There is a final noteworthy aspect to this date. Sitting and drinking coffee or having dinner is a great way to ask questions and find out a person’s stated goals and values. Going out and doing gives you a better picture of who someone truly is. We lie with our words all the time. This can be malicious; it can be socially soothing; it can be that we don’t know our own minds. It is harder to lie with our actions.
The motorcycle date gave my future husband information about my character. You see, what he knew and I learned is that being a passenger means surrendering control to the rider. If the driver leans, the passenger must follow suit. I had to trust him to keep me safe and I had to be able to go with the flow. He could feel whether I was tense or at ease with him and that told him how a relationship with me might look.
Different types of Action Dates will bring out different character traits. Can she allow you to teach her to shoot at the range or is she stubborn about learning from a man? Does she go with your suggested rides at the amusement park or does she push for her own desires at the expense of yours? These sorts of dates will help you see if her words line up with her behaviors and if those behaviors are compatible with your own.
Now for some girl talk. I didn’t know or realize any of this all those years ago. I went on a date with a guy I knew and had a good time. I didn’t hesitate when he asked me out again. As a woman, I got to experience excitement and tingles and not give a second thought to what it took to elicit those feels.
And that, too, is part of the game.
So go forth, buy motorcycles, and happy hunting!
Very cool advice. But it won’t help the eternally dateless. They have an SMV of 0-3 but will settle for nothing less than an 8, in looks, history, and traits.
The constant pro-incel whining is not solution oriented. It is only to save face among higher status men. “It’s not me, it’s because this country is full of nothing but worthless whores!” (Spoken directly to a higher status male and his lovely wife*)
They have millennial/zoomer entitlement. They are low status but demand high status partners. They are addicted to their own self-righteous bitterness. Literally all they have to do is get fit, make money and be pleasant and positive with people. Or, lower their standards- either in looks, character or both. But their laziness prevents them from improving, and their narcissism prevents them from settling. They are literally brainwashing themselves into being losers eternally. Whining is a loser trait, for both men and women. It’s gross, and unproductive (not to mention a feminine trait- hence why it is called BITCH-ing.) Stop coddling them.
The advice can be utilized by anyone. Not all single men are the men you describe here. It is a tough world out there and while there are certainly men and women whose standards don’t align with their own value, they aren’t the only ones struggling.
This society has been destroying the nuclear family for several generations. Now we are moving on to destroying ALL hetero relationships. Yes we are all tired of hearing the bitterness and hand wringing but that doesn’t mean that we should mock or give up on the men and women who WANT to build white families and are having a tough time getting started.
We all have different experiences.
When I was single, my married friends didn’t accept me telling them “I’m trying to build up myself and have better resources.” It was always like a mission to get me hitched. I wasn’t happy, but I didn’t want to date someone when I was traveling all the time for work and career focused.
My closest pals are in similar places in life where marriage isn’t easy but in these circles you’re treated like a second class citizen or broken if you don’t have kids.
Things get progressively worse in the dating scene as time goes on in America. These guys need friends to agree that the situation sucks while building their friends up to be the best men possible. Being cynical towards dudes going through the worst of times isn’t cool.
Everyone already knows the situation sucks. We have already agreed with them about that. We have as much chance -at this point- of convincing the Western culture to stop denigrating men and celebrating the worst female traits as we do convincing the Power J’s to stop being so mean to us.
We should encourage proactive measures from the position we are currently in. That means encouraging our men and women to form families. Or, if not, to joyfully and without bitterness take on a Samurai role for the cause.
The pro-incel position hand-waves away the years these guys spend engaging in self abuse, relishing in their sins, but condemns forever a woman who made a one-time mistake and got a tattoo. A woman who is just as white as they are, just as much of our tribe.
My point is, we are all a bit broken by modernity. But the hand we’ve been dealt is what it is. Wishful thinking won’t change it. If these guys have decided they are too precious and blemish-free to lower themselves to date a flawed-but-trying white woman in the hopes of someday having a family, they are not pro-white. I say, again, they are not pro-white. They are selfish guys who dislike non-whites and enjoy the niche aspects of this social circle (big fish in a small pond dynamics.) The white nationalist movement is full of them.
To say another way, they are not actually incels. They are vol-cels who use a phony incel label to gain sympathy and clout. Read The Sociopath Next Door to learn about the type of people who actively seek pity from those around them.
This whole saga is people wanting validation for their decisions from internet strangers.
– I want validation for being a prior slut, having tattoos and bad friends.
– I want to validate incels because of the current situation.
– I want to validate my decision to marry a woman with tattoos.
I, Moss, want to validate no one and nothing. I understand the situation and I don’t care. It’s not productive to shame men about having standards and principles with picking women.
It’s not the standards, it is the bitterness and whining. If you want to be the kind of person whose reach always exceeds your grasp, fine. No problem. It is when you lash out at supposed allies and destroy morale that you give yourself away as a destructive sociopath that should be rooted out. And you, Moss, have as much of an agenda as anyone. In your last reply, you have labeled
Women: sluts/bad friends
Incels: “in a situation”
Shame sluts, but don’t shame men “in a situation” where they deride the wives of good men, whine, and destroy morale. This is neutrality? Surely not.
Tip o the hat to whatever Khazarian think tank discovered pandering to the envious and ineffectual fringe as the best strategy for destroying White cohesion.