There is a specter haunting the children’s sections of libraries and bookstores. I encountered it twice in the past week, first while trying to find a book on a recent political campaign, and then while I was visiting the library with my child. From my casual observation it appears that the shelves have been inundated with political biographies dressed up as children’s books.
This one’s a bit late! We recorded this a few months ago but life got busy. In the best way, but still very busy. Ironically, we talked about current events on this one, so you’d think what we said might be out of date. Fortunately, we discussed Israel’s duplicity and 40K degeneracy, so the topics…
Warhammer 40gay
Mongoose Kikimora returns with an essay about the recent changes to Warhammer 40k’s Lore as it dives deeper into an anti-White and anti-Fan state of being.
Achtung! Amerikaner – Know Thy Enemy
Gordon, Magnus (The Pressure Suit Podcast), and AJ (The Smoke Pit) talk about the recent surge in legislation tasked with combating so-called “anti-semitism,” as well as broader trends with how the Zionist element of the United States government has begun to tighten its grip in response to what seems to be a growing disinterest in or even hostility towards the jewish agenda.
This piece was adapted from a series of effort posts written by Punished Magnus on the Amerikaner Telegram Channel in response to a different effort post made by John Fassbinder of the American Freedom Party. I have included both Mr. Fassbinder’s original post, for clarity, and Magnus’ essay.
“Civil War” – Journalist Circle Jerk, Useful Red-Pill Tool, or Both?
Last weekend, I saw the film “Civil War”, written and directed by Alex Garland. I had seen multiple articles about the movie, ranging from libtard ball-fanning about how “haunting” it is, to libtard complaining about how it isn’t partisan enough and doesn’t have a political message. As a notorious libtard myself, I lean towards the second complaint. But friend of the podcast Billy Roper had a much more optimistic and positive take. I have presented them both here, for you to have your own civil war over in the comments.
Achtung! Amerikaner – Lot Lizard (People)
Gordon, Magnus (The Pressure Suit Podcast), and AJ (The Smoke Pit) are back once more with a rambling multi-topic show, covering the recent problems with the Voyager probe, moon trains, the mainstreaming of anti-Zionism, whether the US is going to attempt a pivot back to a Munroe-Doctrine style foreign policy, inflation and the economy, and finishing off with a discussion about recent findings about the weight-loss drug Ozempic.
Popcorn N’ Soda: Bronson
He’s Engerland’s most violent criminal, innit? Bronson, yeh? ‘Ave a soda and a popcorn, m8. Bronson: Download this Episode: RSS Feed: If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran Project, you can do so here: Myles and Super can be found improving timelines on the Fediverse here:
The Godcast, Episode 285: The Catholics Had it Coming: In Response to Pax’s Reformation Video
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles turn a critical eye on friend of the show Pax Christus’s recent video about the Protestant Reformation. We answer your emails after the break. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: The first of what I hope to be many entries in…
Léon Degrelle
Le legendary legionnaire Leon Degrelle. Philosopher. Author. Father. Catholic Crusader. Infantry legionnaire in the fight against communism, Leon Degrelle began as a Catholic politician in Belgium with his Rexist movement. During WWII, after Germany invaded the USSR, Leon raised the Walloon Legion and went to the East to fight for Europe. Degrelle and his Wallonie Legion fought with…