Peter Kemp returns victorious to England just in time to defend the British Empire in WWII. Our nationalist legionnaire is dispatched across Europe and Asia on daring undercover commando missions, as told in his books No Colours or Crest and Alms for Oblivion. Eurodingo and Pavel continue the story of the legionnaire turned international man of mystery and danger. Listen and download…
Peter Kemp , Pt.1, Nationalist Legionnaire
Peter Kemp was an Englishman who left a life of safety and position as a lawyer at age 21, and enlisted in the Spanish Nationalist forces to fight communism in the Spanish Civil War. Legionnaire Kemp survived many intense battles on the way to victory, and lived to tell the tale in his book, Mine Were of…
Francisco Franco
El Caudillo. General Francisco Franco restored the Monarchy, the Church, and crushed the international forces of communism in his home country. An infantryman since age 14, he served Spain proudly for 7 decades as a man of faith, traditional values, and courage. Achieving victory for Spain just in time to avoid WWII, he ruled wisely…
Achtung! Amerikaner – Jason Lee Van Dyke
Gordon sits down for an interview with Jason Lee Van Dyke, who describes himself on his twitter account as “Partner at Magana & Van Dyke, PLLC. UWC Grandmaster Waterfowl Hunter. NWTF Royal Slam Holder. BJJ Brown Belt. Notorious Lawyer for the Dissident Right,” to discuss the ongoing unconstitutional lawfare being perpetrated by the system against the Right, as well as his insights into both his own cases and those of others.
Achtung! Amerikaner – Hue Heifer
Gordon and Magnus (with a special late appearance by AJ of “The Smoke Pit”) return from their long hiatus to discuss a variety of recent events – from earthquakes and tummy aches caused by the Russians, to liberal anti-Whites, and a bit about strategic oil reserves and the logistical capacity of the US Military before rounding it out with a discussion on the “Red Heifer.”
The Gamer Word Episode 55: 100 years of Elder Abuse
The men come together to discuss how they were good allies for trans day of visibility, before discussing the absolute travesty and trickery that has been beset upon a particular voice actor for Dead by Daylight and how they deserve reparations. Ruckus also brings up the absolutely amazing work that is being done by Black Girl Gamers to highlight and deal with the rampant racism and inequality in the gaming sphere and points out how they should be able to deal with people who have a problem with their completely fair and not illegal hiring practices. Bonus commentary on how it is basically antisemitism that is ruining movies.
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Grant Reads: “I’m Glad My Mom Died” by Jennette McCurdy
In our sphere, there are certainly a lot that has been said about how sick and twisted Hollywood is. Thanks to the furor over Harvey Weinstein’s abuses and other high-profile cases, even the general public has become more and more aware of how sick and deranged the little subculture in Southern California really is. McCurdy doesn’t shy away from some of the more sinister parts of the entertainment industry, but she reserves the most of her ink for the stories of the abuse that she suffered at the hands of her own mother.
Popcorn N’ Soda: Tune In Tomorrow
In this episode, SuperLutheran tunes in to Tune In Tomorrow, a 1990 RomCom starring Keanu Reeves. But before we tune into WXBU, head out to the concession stand and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Tune in Tomorrow: Download this Episode: RSS Feed: If you’d like to support the Godcast and/or The Very Lutheran…
The Godcast, Episode 284: Moooooo!
In this episode, SuperLutheran flies solo to give us the low-down on the infamous red heifer, and the attendant “prophecy.” Is it the end of days? Is it cockamamy jewish fortune-telling? Is it just a scam to separate ignorant dispensationalists from their money? We’ll find out! Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: Age…
The Smoke Pit: Area Study And Situational Awareness
The boys go over what an area study is and why you should do one, among other things.