Hermoine Granger-Weasley promised to be a transformative Minister of Magic. But when a werewolf wants access to children, will she stick to her principles or give in to reactionary fearmongering? Find out in this story that has been called “Stunning” by the New York Times, and “Brave” by VICE News (RIP).
Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Trump?
Back in the heady days of 2015 and 2016, Donald Trump was still an unknown phenomenon. The same qualities that allowed the Dissident Right to project its wildest fantasies onto Trump also resulted in him being a cipher for Democrats to imagine whatever horrible policies they feared onto the man – such as hysterical handwringing of the Handmaid’s Tale LARP of America turning into a theocratic patriarchal dystopia. Anyone with sense would have pointed to Trump’s background and character as wholly precluding such an outcome. Even Trump’s most fervent Evangelical supporters didn’t dare wish for what liberals grasped at as a nightmare-cum-sexual fantasy.
The Godcast, Episode 283: Heaven
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles take a look at the flip-side of the last episode, and we talk about Heaven. Same as last time, we talk about what Heaven is, how the idea was revealed, Heaven’s cosmic geography, and we clear up some misconceptions surrounding it. We hit a handful of emails after the…
We Have No Friends, Only Interests
With dissident movements, ranging from peaceful protests to outright guerilla warfare, success has often hinged on the support of an outside actor. With this recent history in mind, it is tempting for American dissidents to hope for outside sponsorship of their struggle for self-determination and justice against the Washington regime. Unfortunately for Amerikaners, it is not only the United States, but also its chief rivals, who have constructed their ruling ideology around the same principles which are strangling the heritage population of the United States.
Lions, Lambs, and Eating Crow
Hatred can overwhelm, and such was the case when I made my impassioned denouncement of Minnesota’s Republicans and predicted that the state was more open to Nimrata Haley’s presidential ambitions than turned out to be the case. am mature enough to admit when I was wrong, and I won’t try to wave away Trump’s win in my state for the sake of my own ego. However, I would like to note that the deafening results of the Republican primary in Minnesota, and elsewhere in the country (except in Vermont, which now holds the title for “gayest state in the union”), reveal some of what I was grasping at in voicing my frustration with Minnesota’s Republicans.
The Gamer Word Episode 54: Barbecue Gaming Debacle
The men come together to discuss the recent debacle sweeping the gaming industry- Sweet Baby Inc. They talk about how AI and algorithms are used to detect and report on our behavior. How companies like Sweet Baby Inc have existed for some time and they are just becoming more and more open about their malicious plans to absolutely subvert/destroy the gaming industry. Also, come hear how the feds are already making moves to publish books and enact policies to combat “domestic extremism” (A term that has ZERO legal meaning in a court of law in the USA, as of this posting btw) in gaming. Literally everything from having a frank conversation in a game (Helldivers to Roblox) and engaging in a humorous podcast (Odysee and DLive were mentioned by name in the reports) is being reported as “Engaging in Extremism”. Take note and notice, because while the system is rabidly flailing about, it intends on biting into everyone it can.
*Editors note*- this is a VERY serious issue in regards to the culture war being waged against White Families. To ignore this is to have the same short sighted, selfish, boomer mentality that has resulted in these literal goblins taking over our artistic and cultural institutions- giving them direct access to our children’s minds.
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The Shallow Roots Of America’s Invaders
It is obvious that our government hates and fears the workhorse for their grandiose schemes, and are working hard to accelerate their desired demographic changes in hopes of erasing the political power of the Amerikaners once and for all. The trouble is that, like a plant which grows with supports is unable to stand on its own, so too may today’s parasites on American society prove ultimately unable to stand on their own.
The Smoke Pit – We Are Not Cook Respecters
Rick & AJ ramble about the similarities between turkeys in a rainstorm and Palestinians, why cooks deserve everything bad to happen to them, and more on tonight’s episode.
Koos de la Rey & Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
European greats in southern Africa. Koos de la Rey was a Dutch Boer who led his people in their struggle to build a new homeland – a holy and brave legend of his people. Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck was General in the German Imperial Army, who was undefeated in his WWI campaigns in Africa. Show host Eurodingo is joined by a…
Gone to Texas. Austin, Houston, & Crockett
Texas was a wild western frontier until the brave and enterprising Anglo-Americans settled the lands and fought for the independence of a new nation, Texas. Men like Sam Houston, Stephen Austin, Jim Bowie, and Davey Crockett defeated the Mexicans, and pushed the boundaries of Manifest Destiny. Our host Pavel turns up his Texas accent, and is joined by Eurodingo to pay tribute to…