Gordon and Alex (from The Smoke Pit) recently went on a long drive to Couer d’Alene Idaho to shoot footage for an upcoming video about the unlawful arrest of members of Patriot Front there last year. Given the long drive with two serial podcasters, it was inevitable that they’d have a lot of conversations – some of which have been recorded and stitched together into an episode just for you!
Exodus Americanus 378 – War Crimes, More Crimes
DOWNLOAD The sun is bright, and the time is right. We’ll bring the fight, and reach new heights. Welcome dear listeners, back to the finest houseboat in the all the internet. TestingCoon anticsAging at workFeeble mindsetsDealing with people Can’t Stop Breaking Sweet sweet work storiesSide gigging at workOdd furnishingsNew GodzillaCrazy kids bookFood time Luffy:BigBoss_Luffy@wolfgirl.bar Mile’s…
The Godcast, Episode 259: Zach’s Testimony
The Godcast is starting a new bi-weekly segment where we share the testimony of our listeners. If you’d like to have your testimony shared, you can reach out to SuperLutheran at Very_Lutheran@tutanota.com Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY The first of what I hope to be many entries…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Don’t be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
Ay, yo, Supes and Mizzyles finna review Don’t be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. Befo we hit dat, getchoself sum flamin’ hot cheetoes and a forty! DBAMTSCWDYJITH: https://infogalactic.com/info/Don%27t_Be_a_Menace_to_South_Central_While_Drinking_Your_Juice_in_the_Hood Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_Dont_Be_a_Menace.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss For the time being, we’re not accepting paid requests, but we do still rely…
Exodus Americanus 377 – Behold A Podcast
DOWNLOAD Apologies for the late upload folks. But were back once more, just to bring you good fine people, a podcast. Behold! Luffy:BigBoss_Luffy@wolfgirl.bar Mile’s Project:https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY Thomas’s blog spot:http://Write.NoBodyHasThe.biz? Exodus YThttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBy3MPs28PwMAoou9Tn64uQ Exo Elwin YThttps://youtube.com/channel/UCSApluiZdRhQIJedO-zJWYw https://gumroad.com/boathog420 RSS: https://audio.nobodyhasthe.biz/api/v1/channels/exodus_americanus/rss Twitter:@ExoAmericanus@SouthernSpumoni Fediverse:WalrusAurelius@NobodyHasThe.biz Gab:@WalrusAurelius@RoscoeJones walrus@exodusamericanus.comroscoe@exodusamericanus.com Steam CodesRoscoe : 131979457Walrus : 108083372 Shoot us a message if you want to send cash,…
The Gamer Word Episode 40- Filler Fantasy
The men come together to discuss Rolos thoughts on the remake of Final Fantasy and what he sees as the most egregious issues (Ruckus still weeps over Tifas boob reduction, a hideous trend that has swept the gaming industry) before then tackling other hot topics such as the beginning of the A.I. wars (and the collateral damage that has occurred as a result) and proper policing methods that are making a comeback in Detroit.
From the Archive: The Godcast, Episode 107
Because my schedule no longer allows for weekly recording, we’re starting to bring our old episodes out of the archives and republish them for our Amerikaner and Exodus Americanus audiences. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY The first of what I hope to be many entries in…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles descend the Abyss to level 5 to review Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul. But before we jump into that, head out to the concession stand, and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Dawn of the Deep Soul: https://madeinabyss.fandom.com/wiki/Made_in_Abyss_Movie_3:_Dawn_of_the_Deep_Soul Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_Dawn_of_the_Deep_Soul.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss For the…
Exodus Americanus 376 – Let Em Cook
DOWNLOAD The seas are parted, and the time is nigh. Look the horizon, houseboat flags fly. We hope you all had a great holiday weekend, and are going to let you know about ours. Tangents abound on this week’s Exodus Americanus. 3 day freakinNew room planMemoirs of a house coonThe food boat How To Save…
The Godcast, Episode 258: The Mahlerites
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles are joined by a pair of esteemed guests: Mongoose Kikimora of Little Wars, and Cory Mahler of Stone Choir. We discuss the implications of Soviet military doctrine, the dismal state of the LCMS and the prominent figures therein, and the subtleties of brewing beer. Are Jews the chosen people…