DOWNLOAD Mile’s Project: Thomas’s blog spot: Exodus YT Exo Elwin YT RSS: Twitter:@ExoAmericanus Gab:@WalrusAurelius@RoscoeJones Steam CodesRoscoe : 1319794570Walrus : 1080833720 Shoot us a message if you want to send cash, $69 money orders, a streaming PC, or random knickknacks. Send stuff from Amazon: bitcoin: 1D5RVLZYBE9ctLDfL6L4yop8LB1wEYPx2a bitcoincash: qzz808vrg2mx89j3xvfadmv8gl3gsq68hs3u8ph6cl Ethereum: 0x0B4Bb1db1889853C34A0E42d4088Ce3759ff8675
Part II Episode 06: National Socialism
Episode Link | Telegram Backup Went on a semi-famous show, he helped shill it, then promptly didn’t release an episode for four months. mArKeTiNg. More audio was removed than published for this episode, because it needed released, and the other stuff was a lot of tangential stuff distracting from the main point. Maybe one day…
From the Archive: The Godcast, Episode 101
Because my schedule no longer allows for weekly recording, we’re starting to bring our old episodes out of the archives and republish them for our Amerikaner and Exodus Americanus audiences. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: The first of what I hope to be many entries in…
The Gamer Word Episode 37- Final Fantasy N(inja)
Come join the men as they discuss the current state of the video game industry: from monitoring you for wrong think, making moves to push their “history” lessons onto children, and testing the waters on yet even more intrusive “security measures”; to the state of remakes and how the only things that seem to be real are Black Ninjas and breast reduction for all the hot chicks Gamers have come to enjoy.
The Godcast, Episode 256: The Last 30 Minutes of a Very Dumb Argument
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles take a look at a profoundly dumb argument against the Faith called “The Last 30 Minutes of Christianity.” It’s not only a very bad argument, but doesn’t even address any of the core claims of Christianity to begin with. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: Age of…
An Open Letter to a Jewess
An open letter to one of Riggin Scheer’s critics after his public doxing a few months ago.
Popcorn N’ Soda: Nefarious
For this episode, SuperLutheran is joined by one of our generous donors, Heavy, to discuss the movie Nefarious. But before they jump into that, head out to the concession stand and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Nefarious: Download this Episode: RSS Feed: If you’d like to guarantee we review your flick…
Kahll-In Show August 15th 2023
Gordon is doing it live, and he’s taking your Kahlls! He’ll be spouting off about whatever is on his mind, starting with the recent kerfluffle surrounding Oliver Anthony, and its relation to other culture war trends, but from there, the sky is the limit!
The Gamer Word Episode 36- Goblin Rockstar
The men come together to discuss the war on Gamers and the slimy goblinoids that are ruining everything: From the absolute travesty of turning hot busty White women into snarling monkeys (with bonus discussion on when you could have an entertainment product whose whole point was to showcase a White bombshell) to how one of the biggest names in the video game industry is putting out shit in a box and they think Gamers will buy it because it has their label on it.
Exodus Americanus 373 – Kozy Kaveman Klan
DOWNLOAD Welcome back to the best Houseboat oriented podcast this side of the Mason Dixon. We have another solid episode in store, along with our usual shenanigans and tangents. Mile’s Project: Thomas’s blog spot: Exodus YT Exo Elwin YT RSS: Twitter:@ExoAmericanus@SouthernSpumoni Gab:@WalrusAurelius@RoscoeJones Steam CodesRoscoe : 1319794570Walrus : 1080833720 Shoot us…