Rolo and Bobby speak about the problems brewing within the industry while Ruckus begins a downward spiral into a depression that will require another 2 weeks on an island with a farm girl named Ginger to get over as they look at the insidious and swift manner that unhealthy ideologies and lifestyles are being targeted at our children as one of the more popular (or to say, more astro turfed and pushed by the goblins) “gamers” out there has a cohost who has chosen to transform from a human to a Skeksis.
Secession For Survival
One academic assignment which has stuck with me from my studies was answering the question of why Europe became the dominant power of the world. After all, looking at the year 1500, it seemed obvious that the Chinese and the Ottoman Empires were wealthier and more powerful than Europe, not least because the Europeans insisted on remaining divided rather than uniting into a single empire. The dreams of Charlemagne and Charles V thus denied, it seemed as though the princes and kings of this peninsula would continue to be outshone by the Turks and the Chinese.
Exodus Americanus 359 – Float Like An Elf, Sting Like A Dwarf
DOWNLOAD We party hard, it’s a bit of a quirk. But it can’t last forever, so we’re back to work. Fresh back from the houseboats big weekend, we’re getting back into our normal routine, and you get to hear about it. But first you must ask yourself. Will you dare to venture into whatever happens…
The Godcast, Episode 248: Reviewing “Return of the Gods”
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles take a look at a lecture by Messianic Jew, Jonathan Cahn, where he lays out a case that several of the gods of the Old Testament have made a return, occupying the space that America has forced God out of. We answer your emails in the second half. Are…
White Dissident Radio!
Today we dive deep into Path of Resistance, whose new album has been anything but a disappointment. This is WDR’s first show in over a year, so plan on catching up with the last year of releases while we dissect a few memes, bust out an old Skrewdriver classic and bring you an outstanding playlist!
Turn it on, turn it up and rip the knob off!
Popcorn N’ Soda: Excalibur
For this episode, I’m joined by SuperLutheran and Walrus Aurelius to discuss the 1981 film Excalibur, a beat-for-beat film adaptation of the Arthurian Legend. Before we jump into this review, head out to the concession stand, and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Excalibur: Download this Episode: RSS Feed: If you have…
They Live: An AI Discussion on Strategies to Ensure Human Liberation
A dialog with ChatGPT on how best to free humanity from the yoke of alien oppression, framed within the premise of “They Live”.
Exodus Americanus 358 – State VS Luffy
DOWNLOAD Once again, we set out to sea. And once again, we are free. On this special week, we are coming at you from the HouseBoat’s own Hostile In The Holler. And if you slide over to our gumroad, there’s even an extra special something to pair with this week’s, Exodus Americanus. Mile’s Project:…
Exodus Americanus 357 – To The Stars
DOWNLOAD Yo ho ho, the shores we be coasting. They can try to stop us, but we just keep posting. How has everyone’s week been? Well now it’s a little bit better. Because we’re bringing to you another fantastic episode of HouseBoat Inc(™)’s very own, Exodus Americanus. Drip Don’t StopHoliday trafficTrue artNo-postingFrozen takesDon’t do it…
Exodus Americanus 356 – The Scattergun Special
DOWNLOAD In which Roscoe hops from topic to topic without a clear plan in mind. Luffy also engages in shenanigans. Glorious Pascha to our Orthodox brothers and sisters, Christ is Risen! Double gayJob for an AutistTard-Trad Wife dichotomyBronze Age ProlapseBugman BluesTaking steps up Closer To The Game Master leavingThe one man AussieReminisceNo hard feelingsBetter prospectsDumb…