A direct and blunt admonition of the Movement and where we currently stand in relation to the greater society.
Exodus Americanus 360 – Outback Skankhouse
DOWNLOAD Welcome back to the Houseboat of all Houseboats. Remember to tell the mothers in your life “Happy Mother’s Day”, that we asked how they’ve been doing, and to enjoy this week’s, Exodus Americanus. New KahllerHimbo 101Smok Geng VVedReal validationGross faggotryT R U M PDBS countdown Knocked Out Dead Girl Gumroad fun raiserWignastyCrack hoe pin…
From the Archive: The Godcast, Episode 81
Because my schedule no longer allows for weekly recording, we’re starting to bring our old episodes out of the archives and republish them for our Amerikaner and Exodus Americanus audiences. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY The first of what I hope to be many entries in…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Boogiepop Phantom
For this episode, I’m joined by SuperLutheran to talk about the 2000 anime Boogiepop Phantom, Super’s favorite anime. But before we jump into that, head out to the concession stand to grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Boogiepop Phantom: https://infogalactic.com/info/Boogiepop_Phantom Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_BoogiePop_Phantom.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss If you have any movie or anime recommendations, send…
The American Freedom Party
Gordon sits down with John Fassbinder of the American Freedom Party to discuss his organization’s history, current activities, and future goals. We will discuss the difficulties associated with forming an alternative political party, and strategies that Mr. Fassbinder thinks will lead to the success of his organization.
A poem of betrayals, new and old.
The Gamer Word Episode 27- Beastly Transmissions
Rolo and Bobby speak about the problems brewing within the industry while Ruckus begins a downward spiral into a depression that will require another 2 weeks on an island with a farm girl named Ginger to get over as they look at the insidious and swift manner that unhealthy ideologies and lifestyles are being targeted at our children as one of the more popular (or to say, more astro turfed and pushed by the goblins) “gamers” out there has a cohost who has chosen to transform from a human to a Skeksis.
Secession For Survival
One academic assignment which has stuck with me from my studies was answering the question of why Europe became the dominant power of the world. After all, looking at the year 1500, it seemed obvious that the Chinese and the Ottoman Empires were wealthier and more powerful than Europe, not least because the Europeans insisted on remaining divided rather than uniting into a single empire. The dreams of Charlemagne and Charles V thus denied, it seemed as though the princes and kings of this peninsula would continue to be outshone by the Turks and the Chinese.
Exodus Americanus 359 – Float Like An Elf, Sting Like A Dwarf
DOWNLOAD We party hard, it’s a bit of a quirk. But it can’t last forever, so we’re back to work. Fresh back from the houseboats big weekend, we’re getting back into our normal routine, and you get to hear about it. But first you must ask yourself. Will you dare to venture into whatever happens…
The Godcast, Episode 248: Reviewing “Return of the Gods”
In this episode, SuperLutheran and Myles take a look at a lecture by Messianic Jew, Jonathan Cahn, where he lays out a case that several of the gods of the Old Testament have made a return, occupying the space that America has forced God out of. We answer your emails in the second half. Are…