God reaches out to us by taking on our flesh, and He gives us the means to reach back up to Him by the fire of the Holy Ghost – purity for purity, sanctification for sanctification.
The Gamer Word Episode 21- “Counter Soviet” Hornswaggle and other Gobledegook
The men come back from some IRL events to discuss goblin snark, goblin attempts to remove Gamers ability to purchase games, and how a big name company has chosen to focus its money and efforts on finding ways to put Gamers in jail rather than actually make good games (multiple projects, one big one in particular, have failed as they did this). All while discussing how Gamers need to take the reigns of culture and create good games, because even IPs that have established good mechanics and playstyles are being put through the liberal fecal injection process.
Your Daily Decade 97 – The Nativity
A personal relationship with Jesus cannot be selfish, or it is no relationship. We do not try our friends’ patience, make ourselves burdensome to them, or purposely do things we know are contrary to their good will – so why would we do these things to God?
Mr. Anon’s Dating Tip of the Day
Generally speaking, you should never get dating advice from women. As creatures driven by our feels, we give terrible advice. In fact, we don’t often know what we want or need out of a relationship. Dating is an organic smorgasbord of emotions requiring little from us other than to show up and look pretty. We are happy to tell you to be yourself because that’s what we do, we show up, as ourselves and you love us for showing up.
The Godcast, Episode 241: Presbyterianism with Presby_Ayatollah
In this week’s episode, SuperLutheran and Myles are joined by friend of the show Presby_Ayatollah to discuss Presbyterianism. The history, the doctrine, and the current state of the denomination. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHB5Caglgo Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: https://poa.st/@Godcast/posts/ALVRT05jJfK3me3PtY The first of what I hope to be many entries in a…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Dungeons N’ Dragons (2000)
For this episode, I’m joined by SuperLutheran to discuss the 2000 film Dungeons & Dragons. Before we jump into this review, head out to the concession stand, and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Dungeons & Dragons (2000 film): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons_(2000_film) Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_Dungeons_and_Dragons.mp3 RSS Feed: https://feeds.libsyn.com/106598/rss If you have any movie or anime recommendations,…
Participate In Your Own Rescue
There is a popular saying among whitewater rafting enthusiasts: participate in your own rescue. The principle behind this is simple. If you fall out of the boat, you are going to have to do some of the work to get back in. Don’t sit there like a bump on a log, help them help you. The same is true in modern society, as we have seen time and time again.
OpSec Tips For Non-Techies
OpSec (short for Operational Security) is a concept that has been around for a long time in the tech world. It is a process of limiting dissemination of sensitive information. Why is it important to limit access to this information? The primary reason is that there are those who would use this information to hurt you.
Your Daily Decade 96 – The Scourging
The life of man on Earth is war, but we are taught that we fight not as one beating the air, neither do we run for a corruptible crown, but rather we know all our struggles have meaning in Christ.
A Response To Myles Poland’s Response To Pearl’s Article About Women With A Tattoo
An article in response to Myles Poland’s recent (and somewhat controversial) article, “They Asked For A Paper,” written by Sam of Full Haus, on the subject of modern dating.