Gordon and Grug talk about The German American Bund of the 1930s. Founded as a successor to previous groups such as the Friends of New Germany and the Free Society of Teutonia, it had 25,000 members at its peak, and pushed for good relations between the United States and the Third Reich.
Your Daily Decade 95 – The Ascension
In the midst of our battles with the flesh and the devil we will be tempted to imagine ourselves alone; but God anticipated this, and has left us reminders of His presence.
In Praise Of Mom
As women, wives and mothers, it is more difficult, not less. Our sphere is the domestic, our attention allocated first to our men and children. Beyond that, we are less inclined to take risks than our men, and inherently more vulnerable than them when we do. There are fewer groups in which we can take part and as women we are much more group oriented and thus less interested in individual actions.
So, as an Amerikaner woman who sees the state of the world, what are we to do?
Your Daily Decade 94 – The Visitation
Just as Christ seeks respite in the desert place of the garden, so too the Blessed Mother responds to her special mission by going out of her daily life and serving in a remote place, where Elizabeth had reserved herself for the duration of her pregnancy.
Exodus Americanus 349 – Ballad of The Waterpark Boomer
Near and far, to and fro. We control the waters, everywhere we go. Once again the Great American Houseboat is hitting the waters. So climb aboard, and get ready for what’s in store, on this week’s Exodus Americanus.
The Godcast, Episode 240: Jesus in Japan
In this week’s episode, SuperLutheran and Myles discuss the present state of Christianity in the Land of ninjas, samurai, rice, and anime: Japan. We talk about the state of believers generally, how Christianity interacts with Japan as a whole, and the future and past of a Christian Japan. Emails as usual in the second half….
Popcorn N’ Soda: Silence
For this episode, I’m joined by SuperLutheran to discuss the 2016 Martin Scorsese Silence. Before we jump into this review, head out to the concession stand, and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Silence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silence_(2016_film) Download this Episode: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/thegodcast/Popcorn_N_Soda_Silence.mp3 If you have any movie or anime recommendations, send them to TheGodcast@Protonmail.com If you’d like to guarantee…
Molotov Remembers: A Review
Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics, a collection of interviews with Vyacheslav Molotov conducted between 1969 and 1986. Molotov was the foreign minister of the Soviet Union during the Second World War and served as Joseph Stalin’s righthand man. He was also an “Old Bolshevik”, one of the original Russian revolutionaries, and an acolyte and associate of Vladmir Lenin. Molotov was an apologist for the brutality inflicted by the Communist system and prided himself on his role in the vanquishing of Germany. What then does this unrepentant leftist, this figure who caused so much damage to our cause and to our people, have to teach us?
Your Daily Decade 93 – The Agony
For the duration of Lent, Christ calls us to His Garden retreat to kneel beside Him in His Agony, that we might unite our resistant humanity to his longsuffering divinity.
The Hart Family Murders
Gordon and Grug talk about the Hart Family Murders of 2018, a murder-suicide where a pair of lesbians drove themselves and their multiple adopted non-White children off of a cliff. It is a very bizarre story that begins in South Dakota and ends in California, and serves as an example of all that is wrong with modern American society.