In this week’s episode, SuperLutheran and Myles get back to basics with an explanation of Biblical Inerrancy. The topic left us a bit long on time, so we make up for it in the email section after the break. Are Jews the chosen people of God? No: Age of Ruin: From the Ashes: The first…
Your Daily Decade 90 – The Crucifixion
The pain of the Cross manifests less God’s anger or justice than His love and mercy, taking upon Himself the curse He placed on our first parents and drawing out of it our greatest blessing.
Rural Development And White Nationalism
The rural-city divide has been a frequent subject of debate within White Nationalist circles for decades before my time. Rural WN’s espouse the benefits of healthy living, high levels of racial homogeneity, and freedom from the restrictions that home owner associations and municipal codes place on their daily lives. On the other hand, urbanite Whites have access to high cultural institutions, greater economic opportunity, and the subject of this article, utilities and public services.
The Gamer Word Episode 20- Diversity Training at Hogwarts
It’s been discussed before. This cauldron of trannyisms and controversy has been threatening to bubble over for some time and turn everything into a mashed up Polyjuice potion nightmare.
Join the men as they get their first taste of Hogwarts Legacy and discuss the psychosis of the “former fans”, how you can truly NEVER let “the left” have anything because it is never good enough, how even the trantifa agree with Ruckus that Harry Potter is “problematic” right wing (IE. the House Elf Question), and how in the end, there looks to be plenty to enjoy and have a laugh at, as you race around Hogwarts and pet all the cats (there are so many).
Your Daily Decade 89 – The Coronation of Mary
We seek an imperishable crown in the eternal Kingdom; do not let your heart be troubled by worldly concerns or seek your salvation in politics and scandal: it is not there.
Rural Rage
Gordon, Grug, and Fritz Hoss sit down to give their visceral reacts to “Can Anything Be Done to Assuage Rural Rage”, an article by notorious and odious jew, Paul Krugman, and some of the responses sent to the New York Times about that article. The response from the (possibly trolling) account @MaddowRespecter on Twitter will also be considered, although their honesty is somewhat questionable.
They Asked for a Paper: In Response to Pearl
On January 23rd 2023, Pearl published an article to Amerikaner titled “The Bad Trad.”
The thrust of the brief article was to make the case that everyone within the broader Dissident Right is a person, that all of us have a past, and that when it comes to dating men and women ought to give each other ample grace rather than turn up our noses at potential marriage partners because they fall short of lofty perfection.
Your Daily Decade 88 – The Finding in the Temple
We will not find the Kingdom that is not of this World if we only seek Our King amonng those things that are of the world.
Little Wars 67: Barrel of Rope Monkeys
The Little Wars Lads are back, and Mongoose shows off what he’s been working on this whole time with his new impression! Also we talk about our meet-up and playing wargames, Mongoose’s new collaborative mech worldbuilding project, WotC’s blunders with the OGL and something about Magic the Gathering. And nostalgia. Also a little bit of…
The Melting Pot Melts Down
It can be difficult to explain the degenerative and corrosive effects of diversity on American society today to someone who has not experienced the demographic transition of their own local community from majority White European founding stock to invaders from the 3rd world. Here is a word picture to aid you in your efforts to enlighten those around you.