For this episode, I’m joined by SuperLutheran to talk about the 2012 anime Jormungand. Before we jump into this review, head out to the concession stand, and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Jormungand: Download this Episode: RSS Feed: If you have any movie or anime recommendations, send them to If you’d like…
Your Daily Decade 84 – The Crown of Thorns
We can plead ignorance of God in excusing our faults, but cannot forget it was at the hands of the ignorant that He was tortured.
The Urban Impacts of Remote Work
This week, Grant Roberts offers us an in depth piece about the various pros and cons that have resulted from remote working over the last few years.
Your Daily Decade 83 – Pentecost
God will never send us into battle without the weapons to win the war being waged against us. We only need to pick them up.
2023 (Featuring Magnus)
Gordon, Grug, and Magnus have a discussion on how 2022 went for both our people and the website, and go out on a limb to make a few different predictions for what will happen in 2023.
Your Daily Decade 82 – The Nativity
We follow Christ our leader out of the slavery of Sin, like the Hebrews out of Egypt, but do we have the fortitude to do what the Hebrews could not, and never look back?
The Gamer Word Episode 18- The Original Red Pill
We told him he has to stop teasing the fans and now it is finally here. Bobby, Rolo and special guest Magnus come forward to talk about the game that served as the original Red Pill, cleverly disguised as a stealth action rpg.
The Bad Trad
The White Nationalist Women’s Committee – Dating Division has declared tattoos on women to be acceptable. Yes, yes, I see all of you purists out there cringing but don’t worry – the Committee is working on men’s behalf, too.
The White Nationalist Women’s Committee – Dating Division has declared splitting the bill to be acceptable and an insufficient reason to turn down a second date. Do I have everyone’s attention and ire now?
The Godcast, Episode 235: Serpent Seed Theology
In this week’s episode, SuperLutheran and Myles go over “serpent seed theology” and explain why it’s not only ridiculous, unbliblical, and deranged, but also unnecessary. “Serpent seed” is the idea that the first sin wasn’t Eve disobeying God by eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but was…
Popcorn N’ Soda: Black Lagoon
For this episode, I’m joined by SuperLutheran to talk about the 2006 anime Black Lagoon. Before we jump into this review, head out to the concession stand, and grab yourself some Popcorn N’ Soda! Black Lagoon: Download this Episode: RSS Feed: If you have any movie or anime recommendations, send them to If…