I should have fucking known this one was coming. Well, here you go. Normally, I’d be thanking the Lyricist, Vocalist, and Instrumentalist here. But frankly, the fact that Grant Norman and Eurodingo did this fills me with regret. Y’all niggas are lucky the site hosting is already paid up for the year.
Polish Pro-Abortion NGO Exposed by Based and Redpilled Trad Waifu
In a stunning blow against the anti-Natalist agenda of the Jewish-controlled GAZE (Gay Afro-Zionist Empire), Polish student and journalist Lucja Dzidek has exposed Polish pro-abortion NGO ‘Abortion Dream Team’ in illegally providing abortion medications to what they thought was a 14-year-old girl.
Towards a New American People: The Blinders of Freedom
Lets assume our history is exactly as we learned it, back when we were just good White boys, growing up in our American public schools. This curriculum is sure to instill a certain concept with in everyone I believe, and that is the concept of freedom. Freedom is a very loose term when you really try to hammer down what it actually means. Sure, I can go almost anywhere in the country if I wanted to, and I could do it at any time. So I must be free, right?
“So They Can Fly Right Over” – Music For the Amerikaner Nation
So they can fly right over / to perish on the coast;
This land ain’t theirs for rulin’ / And we sure ain’t their host!
It’s time to drive them off us / It’s time you lent a hand;
So rise now and be counted; Amerikaner man!
Towards a New American People
America is truly a unique country. With the context of time, it’s meaningless. As an empire in the present however, it has definitely made its mark on the world. All empires eventually crumble, and America will be no different. The effects it’s had on the North American continent will ring throughout the rest of the new world’s history. But in 200 years, what will be the true beginnings of America, and will they look different than the stories we are told today?
The simplest, most accessible form of culture is the spoken word. Common stories and common songs are the foundation of a Mannerbund, just as the Mannerbund is the foundation of a society. This is why shared language is so important, and part of why the hostile, alien elite of this country speaks their own language in private, and floods our lands with foreign peoples and foreign tongues.
“So You Can Fly Right Over” – Music For The Amerikaner Nation
A song for the Amerikaner Nation – vocals by Achtung! Amerikaner and Great Men Of Our History contributor, Eurodingo – lyrics by Murd.
Slouching Towards Collapse
It is worth exploring the end of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with reference to our current regime ruling from Washington, D.C. Historical parallelism is certainly a popular theme in the dissident sphere, encompassing connections to Weimar Germany’s degeneracy, the fall of Rome, and, for the mor exotic-minded, the bureaucratization of child abuse in the Ottoman Empire. It is also one prone to faults of wishful thinking and doom-saying.
Gordon on “The Javier Javier Show”
Gordon has a three hour conversation with a black-hispanic Libertarian Conservative Atheist.
This was originally recorded in the end of 2021, but due to a combination of hosting bandwidth limitations and Gordon catching the kung-flu, the episode is being aired now. Please enjoy.
Infight Tonight – The Moon
RockAndMudMan and Dresden RETVRN to INFIGHT TONIGHT!