Otto and Pavl discuss the highlights from the East, with Pavl still being our boots on the ground in Eastern Europe. Power rebalances as Lukashenko says he’ll step down (eventually…. soon? Time will tell) and Putin gets complete immunity and a senate spot for life. Ukraine is tearing at the seams and Visegrad battles against Western Europe’s leftist side of the Kosher sandwich. West Europe show coming soon!
Europa Review – French Happenings and Slav Lives Matter
Due to the amount of content, the show this time is split up into two parts – the east and west. In the West, we have the French happenings and other COVID business. In the East, we have our man Pavl on the ground in Eastern Europe to provide a 1st hand account of what’s going on over there. From Belarussian protests to Ukrainian Nationalist Marches. Give both pieces a listen.
Europa Review – End of September/Early October
Otto and Pavl are joined by Thomas in the north to discuss the ongoing culture war in the European Union. Pavl interviews his Spanish friend, Juan, and Orcas join the fight for Europe on the side of Europeans. In the second half of the show, Otto and Pavl discuss some white pills in the east and the conspiracy of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.
Achtung! Amerikaner – The Invasion of Midwestern America (Featuring Saxon)
Gordon Kahl, Grug Nationalist, and Rudy have a conversation with Saxon, a fan of the show (and, dare we say, future recurring guest?), about the plight of his rustbelt town that is currently being flooded with foreign labor, who bring crime and distress to the community they are supposedly there to “save.”
National Justice Party Issues Statement on Jake Gardner and the Anti-White Legal System
The National Justice Party has issued an official statement on the suicide of Jake Gardner and its relation to the anti-White nature of the United States legal system. This is not the first time the jewish anti-White system has driven an innocent man to suicide.
Europa Review Beginning of September 2020
New Name, Same great content. Travel over Europe in the not gay train and witness the effects of the coronavirus. We even get to see some Imperial German flags. Also keep up with what’s happening in the east with the protests of Lukashenko and the poisoning of Alexei Navalny.
Achtung! Amerikaner – Midwest News Roundup August 2020
This episode, Gordon Kahl, Grug Nationalist, and Rudy discuss news stories from all over the Midwest from a dissident right perspective.
National Justice Party Issues Statements on Kyle Rittenhaus, Murder of Aaron Danielson
Amid growing “antifa” violence in the streets throughout the country, the National Justice Party has given official statements on the self-defense case of Kyle Rittenhaus, as well as the Anarchist Murder of Aaron Danielson.
Achtung! Amerikaner: American Dissidents – Part I, Gordon Kahl
This episode is the first of an ongoing series, in which Gordon Kahl, Grug Nationalist, and Rudy discuss the history of different Dissident groups and individuals throughout the Midwest and Flyover Country. This particular part of that story focuses on the real-life Gordon Kahl, the man from North Dakota from whom the show host takes his pseudonym.
National Justice Party Launch and Press Release
The National Justice Party has issued a formal Press Release, and has also published a video of its Inaugural Address. The response has been enthusiasm, as well as attempted sabotage by enemies of our people.